
This web site has been down for a few years now, but now it's back...
As you will find out, it was never completed and as such, it is lacking in parts. I quickly put it together, way back in 2001, as a bit of an experiment. Anyway, the Discography is pretty comprehensive!
The only new addition since 2003, is this link to the bands myspace (myspace.com/thebombparty) which is maintained by Sarah.
If you've got any The Bomb Party records that you wish to sell, contact us, as we are interested in buying them.
24th Feb 2009
Wikipedia Entry
24th Jan 2018
Sarah Corina, since the beginning of
the 90s, has been
a member of
The Mekons.
Check out
Nobby Knape's comprehensive
web site.
Records & CDs
If you want to
get hold of
"The Bomb Party" recordings, try searching
in www.musicstack.com
The site works as
an agent for Secondhand Music Shops around the world,
generally has a
good selection.
You can order through them, or
as I have done,
go direct to the
shop/s concerned!