Health Walk - Tuesday Morning 8th November - Twas a dull day again but not to be deterred we all met at the Sports centre. Today we were leaderless, Gaz and Kerry were on holiday.
We set off into the Park, Green Wood, and turned left walking up and down and onto Cam Lane.
We walked northish along Cam Lane, past the construction site and entered the field above the lake.
Entering the field we met Joe and Peter in the Land Rover about to pass through the gate but to where we did not know.
The Jacob's sheep came to the fence to greet us.
Please click on photos to see a larger one
We dropped down to the corner of the lake and entered Dog Kennel Wood, here we are climbing up into the trees.
We carried along the path through the wood into Gravel Hole Wood and then walked down to the cycle track. We turned right and walked along the cycle track a little way then turned left and over the new bridge heading for the pinetum.

We walked round the top of the pinetum, here Sue and Elizabeth are marvelling about places they know and are connected with, they both come from south of the Watford Gap. We passed through the Barn car park into Sue Rider's outbuildings. The cafe had not opened yet so we avoided the temptation to stop for tea and cakes.
Down the drive and along the cinder path.
Next we followed the cycle track and turned off into Cock Cabin Wood. We walked round the pond and into the trees. Michael was leading and he lost the path! The floor of the wood was covered in leaves and the path was difficult to pick out. Well we found our way out without much difficulty. Along the cycle track again for a few yards then down through the wood (whose name I know not) back onto the cycle track and over the stone bridge.
We climbed the steps up to the lake shore.

There is evidence of work being done near the boathouse to shore up the path. I got near the Great Crested Grebe but it was too dark to get a sharp image.
We walked round the lake and up through the field. Through the gate and into Green Wood again, this time taking the path round the east side of the wood.

At last we found Joe and Peter carrying on the work they were doing last Tuesday, reinforcing the path bank. It looks sunny but that's an illusion created by the camera.
Out of Green Wood and into the ASDA cark park where we said our goodbyes. No coffee and biscuits this week but we'd saved our £2s.