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Health Walk - Tuesday 22nd November - from the Sports Centre. We were slightly down in numbers today but we were pleased that Carole could join us. Sadly, Jim wasn't well.
Gareth decided that we would head south to approach the Park from a different direction. Helen guided us through the first section.

We are into the Park proper now, having left the urban scenery behind. We are walking down to Old Kem Mill, the church at Whittle-Le-Woods is in the background - the photo in the calendar must have been taken from somewhere round here.
We left Old Kem Mill behind, walking along the riverside, and eventually on to the cycle track.
It was a lovely morning but somewhat gloomy so one couldn't get very good photos.

We came to Sheep Hill Lane and walked up the hill towards the Sports Centre. Three photos from almost the same spot - couldn't decide which one to use so put them all in. The trees all looked lovely but just needed a bit of sunshine to bring out the colours - I'm sure there are more leaves left on the trees than is usual towards the end of November.

The colours of the leaves on the floor were bright and cheerful but I haven't managed to capture them in my photos, sorry.
There were six of us plus Gareth and we all enjoyed the walk.