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Health Walk
Thursday 22nd December - 2011's the winter solstice. Once again we had a lovely warm sunny morning for our Health Walk from the Barn.
David Beattie was our leader and our morning turned into an informative nature walk.

Walking down Sue Rider's drive to the cinder path and up and over the M6 and into the northern section of the Park cut off by the M65.

David's showing us the Ivy-leaved Toadflax still in blossom. second photo - north-east corner of the Park

Is the tree in the first photo too central? The second photo is more correct compositionally but I can't decide which photo is the best one. I like the first one.

Down towards the stone bridge and resting as we reached the crest of the hill on our way back to the Barn.
David would like any of us who identify wildlife to report our sightings to the Barn or put them on Cuerden Valley's Facebook page.

We met a horsewoman as we approached Cuerden Hall. Horses aren't allowed in the Park so she had to keep walking round Sue Rider's land. There is a bridleway in the Park but it's up near ASDA and only 100 metres long.
Why aren't horses allowed in the Park? I would like horse trails to be constructed and a circular route for bicycles.

Back in the Barn