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Health Walk
Sunday 1st January 2012 - Happy New Year everybody
Today we all met on the Ley Inn car park for our new year's walk. This event was the inspiration of Jacquie, who arranged our lunches at the inn as well. Thank you very much Jacquie from all of us for a very enjoyable start to the new year.

We all left our homes in the dry hopeful of a dry walk but as we assembled the rain started and remained steady throughout .

There were fifteen of us plus Blake braving the weather. On our way down to Lower Kem Mill and then on our way back to the Ley Inn. It wasn't really a good day for photographs but I tried.

Young Blake was the star of the show, he won't be short of Godparents to choose from.

That's me, last one on the right, thanks to Frank.
A good start to the new year.
The next walk is from the Sports Centre on Tuesday 10th January.