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Health Walk
Tuesday 31st January 2012 - Again only a few of us turned up today, six and Gareth but Mary, Jacquie and Carole were back with us. Mary had brought a friend to join our walk and she will come again. It wasn't a very nice day, cold, a little damp but otherwise dry and thankfully no wind. Our cars hadn't been iced up but there was ice on the paths, ponds and lake
Gareth led off into the Park and turned left.

We walked down into Green Wood (P1 on map below) and up on to Cam Lane (P2). We walked along Cam Lane, past the Ponderosa (P3) and into the field leading down to the lake.

We walked along the lake, where the ducks seemed to be wanting food (P4). After the lake we walked up into Dog Kennel Wood (P5) and then into Gravel Hole Wood. We left the cow field behind us as we descended onto the cycle track.
Over the new bridge and up (P6) into the Pinetum and climbing along its eastern border (P7) towards the Barn car park and down over the Stone Bridge and up the steps to the lake.

As we get to the top of the steps (P8) we usually pause for a rest. I took three photos of this pose but none of them had all of us looking good. I saw one of the grebes at the start of our walk but they were not in evidence now (P9).

You can see the ice on the lake in the previous picture (P9) but here there is none and the water surface is still (P10 &11).

The main party walked back along the lake but I walked up the path in the field (P12, 13 & 14). At the top of the field we retraced our steps past the Ponderosa and back down into Green Wood and the Sports Centre.
We had two Carol(e)s today but no Elizabeths. Sue was too tired and cold. Don't know about Dedrah, June and Jim, hope they are all well. Kerry and Blake are both fine.
Wasn't a good day for photos again but on view are 14 out of 26 attempts.

A map of the walk to show your partners & friends where you've been. Red is the path we took, yellow is where we returned on the same path as we'd gone out. My deviation is the orange bit.
The next walk is next Tuesday, again from the Sports Centre.