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Health Walk
Tuesday 7th February - Health Walk from the Sports Centre. There were seven of us today plus Gareth. It was a glorious day, well glorious for February, sunny, blue skies and very little wind, a bit nippy but a lovely morning. There were odd patches of ice but we managed to get round them.

Carole requested a change of route so Gareth led us off south from the Sports Centre and through the labyrinth of footpaths and houses. Here we are about to enter the Park from Juniper Croft - photo 1.

Into the woods, photos 2 & 3, and down, photo 4, to Lower Kem Mill archeological site, photo 5 .

Looking upstream from the footbridge - photo 6 . We walked north along the cycle track, crossed the road, avoiding the stepping stones andcarried along the cycle track.

Photo 7 - We've just passed the forzen pond and are heading towards Grave Hole Wood. By this time there were signs of tiredness beginning to show, some had threatened to catch the 114 from Town Brow car park!

We walked up into the wood and again there were no cows in the field so climbed over the stile and we climbed up the field to the exit stile in a relaxed state - photos 8, 9 & 10.
Photos 11, 12 & 13, our Nordic walkers but sadly Dedrah's hip was hurting at this stage. Gareth had raced on ahead and was waiting for us on the stile, he was more tired than usual. We crossed Cam Lane and into Green Wood and back to the Sports Centre were everyone was unusually quiet - we'd been walking for about ninety minutes. I really enjoyed the morning, as did everyone. June and Jim can't make it on Tuesdays at the moment. Blackburn Elizabeth was trapped in her home faced by icy roads so she thought it wise not to try and get here.
