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Health Walk
Thursday 23rd February - the monthly Health Walk from the Barn. A dull start to the day but it brightened up as we walked along becoming a lovely sunny spring day. Ten of us today including the Leader and Back Marker volunteers - Michael's first time as official Leader. A welcome back to June and Jim who have been unable to attend recent walks.
We decide to go down the Cinder Path. The Cinder Path is not quite so gloomy this time of year because there are no leaves on the trees allowing in plenty of light to come through. The birds were singing away too, to add to our enjoyment.

We've left the Cinder Path and are walking alongside Cock Cabin Wood - photo 1, which we entered shortly and walked round the the pond - photo 2. Over in the Nature Reserve we could hear sounds of workmen - chain saws - and we could just make out a Land Rover.
We left Cock Cabin Wood and entered the next wood, alongside the Nature Reserve, and down to the Stone Bridge - photo 3 .

Across the Picnic Area and up the steps to the Lake. We had walked at a good steady pace so here we rested awhile after the climb up the steps. There were plenty of Canada Geese about - photos 4, 5 & 6

Away to the left Jacquie spotted the Heron - photo 7, apparently resting, perhaps he had had his fill already. Leaving the Lake behind - photo 8. Here Sue and Patricia walked down to the cycle track and along to the New Bridge to wait for us. We went up through Dog Kennel Wood and Green Wood along the cycle track across the New Bridge, where Sue and Patricia where looking for fish in he river, and up through the Pinetum and back to the Barn

where we replaced all the calories worked off with biscuits. Here we are putting the world to rights - photo 9.
Today's Route
The good news is that from now on the will be walks from the Barn on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays starting at 10.00am.