Health Walk
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Tuesday 28th May - A Walk from the Sports Centre - fifteen of us today - a record number? I think so. The skies were overcast and the promised sun shine seemed far away but it was just right for walking. We were delighted to welcome four new walkers, Carmel, Fred, Helen & Naomi in addition to Paul and Shirley who joined us last week.

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Gareth had prepared a new walk for today but as it took us away from the Park at first we decided, that as there were four new members, we would go straight into the Park. Michael led off and more or less influenced the route. Here we are traversing the 'cow field', a liberty we took because our most concerned walker was absent. The leading group and the back markers.

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We walked along the cycle track and turned left over the New Bridge and into the Pinetum from where we cut through to The Hall Tea Shop.
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We walked down the Hall drive and along the Cinder Path.

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We are alongside Cock Cabin Pond now where we surprised two fishermen, the first time we've encountered fishermen here

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Notice the happy smiles, we are about to enter the wood alongside the Scramble Track Nature Reserve.

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We came across the 'prisoners' again, Ruth leading a lively group, the Health Walkers itching to get involved and the youngsters eager showing the walkers their finds.

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We walked up the steps to the reservoir, lake, Irises, Daisies and Creeping Speedwell

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Buttercups and Bistort or Easter Ledges on our way back to the Sports Centre. We came across a young tree across the path and here we are trying to make it safe - hope we did right.
As we left the Sports Centre after our refreshments the sun was just breaking through for a lovely afternoon.

Today's walk- similar to last Thursday's in parts