Health Walk
Please click on photos to see a larger one
Thursday 7th June - Raining - not very encouraging but seven of us turned up for the walk. Brian asked me, Michael, to be the leader today so, in view of the weather, I suggested we did a shortish one decided we would do the reverse of the one we did on Tuesday. No dissent so we set off.
The rain soon stopped once we had got into our stride.
We entered the Pinetum and took the high route past the viewing area. Down to The New Bridge, along the cycle track and up in to Gravel Hole Wood.
I'd left my camera at home because of the anticipated conditions but Sue and Peter had their mobiles.
We passed through Dog Kennel Wood and up the hill towards Hawks Clough but turned down the steps to the reservoir.
Photo 1 Photo 2
Can't resist the rhododendrons! However:

Kevin posted this photo on Facebook on 4th June because he points out that it's a good example of how a woodland floor can naturally regenerate after it is cleared of Rhododendron. If we had stood in this very same spot over 4 years ago and took the same photo it would just be a mass of Rhododendron bushes. This is the bit of woodland on the right as you enter Cinder Path from Sue Ryders drive. It now has Ferns popping up everywhere! - Kevin
You may notice evidence of work in progress on the banks of the reservoir. I think this is to do with raising the height of the dam as explained in the last Park Newsletter.

Photo 3
Amongst the Red Clover and Buttercups the Orchids (Common? - Northern Marsh?) are showing. Peter has a close up which he's going to send to me. I hope he may also have a photo of the intrepid group.
We arrived at the Stone Bridge, Ruth had her party of school children pond dipping in the pond adjacent to eh cycle track a little in the direction of Town Brow. We had a discussion and and decided to go up he hill to the Barn - calls of nature.
We got back to the Barn and our refreshments thoughtfully laid out in the classroom by our esteemed Education Officer, Ruth.
Despite the unpromising weather we all enjoyed our walk and company.

Today's walk.