Health Walk
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Tuesday 12th June - A lovely morning, nice change from the last two. Another big turnout, fifteen. Gareth led us off into the Park and on to Cam Lane. We walked down Sheephill and turned into the Park, Gareth striding on ahead, I said he thinks he on a Boot Camp exercise, Gareth leads the Boot Camps at the Sports Centre - now up to three a week.

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Our first rest after the climb up from the road. Our two lovely ladies who have just joined our group on Tuesdays, they both work on Thursdays - they seem to love having their photo taken.

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A short downhill section! This walk seems to up hill and down dale! A while later we had to make a decision on which way to go. Everyone said they were fine so we opted to go the longer route.

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We're now at Lower Kem Mill archeological site for our final rest. Fred is now posing with Naomi and Helen. Photo 6 is one of the information boards at the site. Lower Kem Mill was a bleach and dye works that developed as part of the finishing trade associated with the Lancashire cotton industry. The mill was destroyed by fire in 1914 - a report from the Chorley Guardian

View of the site (approx 1910) from the North. St John's Church can be seen in the background

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I tried to get a photo of an orchid - should have laid on my belly and seen what I was photographing. There are lots of these orchids around this area.
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Elder Flower blossom and Dog Roses.
I think we were all relieved to get back to the Sports Centre for our tea/coffee and biscuits. We were out for quite a while, around 100 minutes, but we did spend a lot of time resting on the various seats.

Today's walk.