Health Walk
Please click on photos to see a larger one
Tuesday 4th September - No rain again! Our first walk in September - doesn't time fly, where's the summer gone?
Gareth led us off into the Park, turning right at the gate We walked down the path passing Mike Ranger collecting the small branches from previous tree felling and converting them into wood chippings for use in the Barn heating system. We wandered on over the stone bridge and up into the Pinetum. Some time later we arrived alongside the Lake.

Now up to this moment I'd forgotten I had my camera but it wasn't all that good a morning photographically. I made the mistake of not asking the group to pose for the photo. The shots I took I've had to 'cut' them up because some of our group were caught in unflattering poses.
In the clipped shot above Fred is pointing to an unusual bird in the water amongst all the Mallards

We eventually decided it was a Cormorant.

Jax was waiting for us when we got back to the Centre to join us for refreshments - Jax is one of the 'founder members' of the group.
There were fourteen of us today: Bernadette, Carmel, Carole, Elizabeth, Fred, Gareth, Jacob, Linda, Liz, Michael, Peter, Rachel, Sandy and a lady I didn't get round to talking to - five new ones to me, they had been on last Tuesday walk which unfortunatey I missed, and Jacqueline made fifteen.

Today's walk