Health Walk
Please click on photos to see a larger one
Thursday 11th October - Rain again.! Fortunately not too heavy. Ten of us turned out from the Barn despite the inclement conditions.

Photo 1
We set off through the Pinetum and up into Dog Kennel Wood. Here we are walking up the Cow Field before dropping down to the Lake.

Photo 2
Resting alongside the Lake in the shelter of the trees, before we walk round the lake and down to the Stone Bridge.

Photo 3
At the Stone Bridge Education Officer Ruth with our Elizabeth had a school party pond dipping. Now we had to make a decision - which way to go back to the Barn.

Photo 4 Photo 5
Four of us opted to go straight back to the Barn but the rest of us
pressed on for a longer route back via Cock Cabin Wood and the Cinder Path.

Today's walk