Health Walk
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Tuesday 30th October - Back to normal again from the Sports Centre . Nine of us plus Gareth. Fairly warm but overcast, we occasionally saw patches of blue sky but they never allowed the sun through for us, which is such a shame, the Park is a riot of colour, it just needs the sun to add sparkle.
Gareth led off purposely and we wondered where he was taking us?
South from the Sports Centre onto Sheephill. Are we going into the Park at Town Brow car park? No, he carried on up Town Brow, passed the footpath across to Shady Lane, but carried on up the hill and then took us into Shady Lane. Eventually we arrived at Berkeley Drive and entered the Park.

Photo 1 Photo 2
A little rest then down to the Stone Bridge and up the path past the lake to Hawks Clough. Just one more flight of steps, the longest in the Park I think, and then we arrived back at the Sports Centre.

Today's walk