Health Walk
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Thursday 10th January -
Our numbers were down to eight today because eight of our regular group were on a Health Walk Leaders course at Astley Hall - Bernadette, David, Dedrah, Elizabeth, Jerry, Helen and Peter. Carole had to withdraw because she had a heavy cold and Tricia had last minute family duties to perform. Les and Mike also took part. Brian decided that I should be the leader today so not many photos, it wasn't a photogenic day unfortunately, but it was dry and not too cold.

First pause on the Stone Bridge, all eight of us - Carmel took the photo of me, centre, which I've superimposed on the one I took. Fourth from the left is Vera, who has walked a couple of times before, but now intends to become a regular.
To our inexperienced eyes, Cock Cabin Pond seemed lifeless?
The Cinder Path again.
Sue joined us for the tea/coffee and biscuits afterwards.

Today's walk