Health Walk
Please click on photos to see a larger one
Tuesday 22nd January
Walking from the Sports Centre, again only six of us including Gareth, this time probably because of the cold, snow and icy conditions. Meanwhile Jacquie was in the air flying to Tobago .

Photo 1
Approaching Hawkes Clough, Peter took the first photograph of Elizabeth, Sandy and I

Photo 2
Heading towards the Lake, no problems with the conditions yet and we had a little sunshine

Photo 3 Photo 4
Down the field, alongside the Lake and onto the cycle track near the Ford.

Photo 5 Photo 6
To go up through the field or not to go up through the field? I recommended to Gareth that some of us have difficulty climbing over the stiles going up through the Cow Field so he agreed to walk along the cycle track to Sheephill Lane and back the the Sports Centre that way.
Here I discovered that I'd lost a disc off my Nordic stick so I back-tracked trying to find if but sadly I didn't.
It was a bit slippy underfoot in places but otherwise OK. We had quite a lot of sunshine , an enjoyable morning's walk in good company. It was so nice in fact that I managed to get Sue out in the afternoon for a short walk from the Barn.

Today's walk