Health Walk
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Thursday 31st January - Health Walk from the Barn today. Dry, which was nice with the odd flash of sunshine although it was overcast at times. Rain was forecast.
Sixteen today, I think that's a record number starting from the Barn, things are looking up.
Earlier this month several of the Group qualified as Health Walk Leaders! Today it was David's turn to lead for the first time and Elizabeth was the Back Marker.

Photo 1
David led us off through the Pinetum and down to the New Bridge. Here a couple of us elected to do a smaller walk, green on the route map.

Photo 2
Here we are alongside the Dam. We didn't seem to rest this morning.
The rain never materialised and we got much more sunshine than we'd hoped for.

Today's walk, red with the shorter walk in green. The walk took about fifty-five minutes, which was about right.