Health Walk from the Sports Centre
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Tuesday 5th March
I missed last Tuesday's walk, sadly why there is no report.

Photo 1 Photo 2
There were thirteen of us and Gareth took us in to Green Wood and up on to Cam Lane. We walk south to Sheephill Lane and down to the cycle track at Town Brow car park. We followed the cycle track north and up on to the Lake side. The water was perfectly still, except for the wakes of the birds, one of the great crested grebes is on the left of the photo.

Photo 3 (photomerge of two images)

Photo 4 Photo 5 Photo 6
Peter having his now traditional photograph with a young lady on the lakeside seat where we usually rest after climbing the steps. Off again, no that's not the ford but the boathouse.

Photo 7 Photo 8

Photo 9 Photo 10

Photo 11 Photo 12 Photo 13
Tomorrow is a special birthday for Elizabeth, here she is unwrapping the remaining portion of her cake to share with us. The cake was made by a friend - it shows Elizabeth at the Stone Bridge on a Pond Dipping Education morning - Elizabeth helps Ruth with her school classes.
Photo 14
Elizabeth showing Liz her photos of the party her family and friends organised for her.
This is a very special occasion because it's the first time Liz has come into the Sports Centre after the walk.

Today's walk, around sixty minutes