Health Walk - Thursday 14th March 2013
Please click on photos to see a larger one - sorry none today again - no sunshine to make them interesting
Rain was forecast later but for our walk from the Barn today it was a dry morning but no sun for photographs. We were seventeen today.
It was Bernadette's turn to be leader today and she led away from the Barn, Elizabeth was the Back Marker. Michael would lead those who wanted a shorter walk when we got to the Stone Bridge.
We set off round the back of the Barn and down the Hall driveway on to the Cinder Path all keeping together, red route on the map. When we reached the Stone Bridge a few of us took the green route. The main group walked on up to the Lake, red route, and up into Dog Kennel Wood and Gravel Hole Wood. They returned along cycle track, over the New Bridge and back up through the Pinetum.
The small group meandered along the cycle track southwards, resting on the seat near the New Bridge and then taking their time through the Pinetum and back to the Barn, the main group arriving shortly afterwards.
Jacquie wanted photos of us all in the Barn having our refreshments! I took around five photos and jumbled them together to make the 'collage' below - a bit of a mess. I've just noticed Peter and Carole are on both ends!

The walks took around and hour.

Today's route:
red route - we all set off together splitting up at the Stone Bridge - this was the route most people followed
green route - the less able followed this route - mostly flat except for the climb up from the New Bridge

a larger version