Health Walk - Thursday 21st March 2013
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Another lovely morning for our walk from the Barn today. We were seventeen again including three new comers although one was only able to come today.
It was David's turn to be leader today. He led us away from the Barn, down to the Stone Bridge and along the cycle track to the lower end of Gravel Hole Wood. Here Michael led those who wanted a shorter walk meandering along the river behind the Covert Pond and back along the cycle track up through the Pinetum back to the Barn.
The Main Group followed the red route on the map below through the woods, round the Lake and back to the Barn via the cycle track and the Cinder Path. The dotted lines show where I'm unsure which route they took.
Jacquie, Josie and Sue enjoying our first rest in the sunshine just beyond the Covert Pond after our meander along the river bank. We rested again just before we crossed the New Bridge - green route on the map.

Our usual camaraderie being enjoyed in the Visitor Centre, the Barn

Today's walks