Health Walk from the Sports Centre
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Tuesday 26th March
From the Sports Centre today eight of us set off into the Park. We're still well below the usual number; I know two were preparing for going away at Easter, one had a severe cold and one's car wouldn't start however we had a new walker, Kath. Kath's a Park Conservation Volunteer and Farmers Market helper.
Gareth set off at his usual pace but today we kept up with him, at the start anyway. To the left as we entered the Park, round Green Wood and then dropping down to the Lake. Across the Stone Bridge and up into Cock Cabin Wood round the pond.

Photo 1
This was our first stop. It wasn't a bad morning but the sun was hiding so I hadn't taken any photos on the first half of the walk, too busy chatting to the new walker, we used to help together at the Farmers Market on the Friends stall.
Along the Cinder Path, round the Hall and into the Pinetum. It had just started to snow and now was our first noticeable contact with the bitter east wind, we paused a while to regroup but it was too cold to stand still. Gareth, who had been playing squash and started off very hot, no coat, hat and gloves, was now beginning to feel the cold. On the right in Ice House Wood we could just see Ruth with her party of school children - all well wrapped up.

Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4
I'm back in my usual position at the back now. Over the New Bridge and into Gravel Hole Wood climbing up to the Cow Field.

Photo 5 Photo 6 Photo 7
No cows today but we were walking into the face of the bitter east wind. We were getting strung out again. It's quite a climb to the top of the field walking against the wind, we were all glad to get to the top into the shelter of the trees. Down into Green Wood and back up to the car park to our tea and biscuits.
Today's walk, around seventy-five minutes exhilarating and enjoyed by all.