Health Walk - Thursday 28th March 2013
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Another lovely morning for our walk from the Barn today. The wind was bitter cold as you'll see everyone wrapped up with hoods and scarves. We were seventeen again.
It was Bernadette's turn to be leader today. Brian suggested we do the northern area of the Park.

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Off down the Cinder Path to the cycle track where we decided who would do the shorter easier walk.

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The Three Musketeers and D'Artanian who elected to do the shorter route and headed off south.

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The rest of us climbed over the M6 and proceeded into the northern section of the Park. We walked along the top, braving the bitter wind, and dropped down to the bottom where we did something different!

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We climbed up to the new section of the A6, crossed the road, not without some difficulty and murmurs of discontent/disapproval, and walked down to the river under the churchyard.
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We reentered the Park at Stag Lodge and walked back up the western path, on to the A49 and back into the main section of the Park

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Over the M6 footbridge, along the Cinder Path again back to the Barn.
The small group followed the cycle track down to the Stone Bridge, where they enjoyed a rest on one of the picnic tables before starting the ascent back to the Barn - green route on the map.
As we sat round drinking our tea/coffee and eating biscuits Brian asked what we thought of today's walk. There were favourable comments, some said they enjoyed it but I'm not convinced everyone agreed. Crossing the roads, the A6 twice, and the traffic noise was unpleasant.

Today's walks