Health Walk from the Sports Centre
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Tuesday 9th April
From the Sports Centre today nine of us set off into the Park. We're still well below the usual number, some walkers are still under the weather with severe colds, hope not flu.
Gareth set off at his usual pace but we didn't worry we just kept going. Into Green Wood along Cam Lane and then down towards the Lake. Up into Dog Kennel Wood where we had our first pause (pose).
Photo 1
At the top of Gravel Hole Wood two of us walked up the Cow Field and back the Sports Centre. The rest off us dropped down to the cycle track and up into the Pinetum and back down to the Stone Bridge and up the steps on to the lakeside.

Photo 2
The Rangers were working in the trees alongside the Lake so we avoided them and made our way back to the Sports Centre via the north path through Green Wood.

Today's walk, around seventy minutes, bitter winds but enjoyed by all.