Health Walk - Thursday 25th April 2013
Please click on photos to see a larger one
Whilst booking everyone in, Brian, the Coordinator, Michael, the Deputy Coordinator and Peter, today's Leader, discussed where we should go. Peter wanted to do the long walk. We decided on somewhere the 'Tuesday Only Walkers' hadn't been before.

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Rain was promised and sure enough it began as we left the Barn under Peter's leadership We were only thirteen today.

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We walked down to the Stone Bridge and up towards the Lake, here splitting up into the short walk, green route and the normal walk, blue route, the red route being the one we all traversed. Michael took the short walkers up into Dog Kennel Wood, Peter walked alongside the Lake and up into the Field and onto new ground for some of the walkers.
The report now is only what the short walkers saw.

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Spring is now bursting out all over. The Blackthorn is out in all it's glory, later than normal, most people just see photo 5 but if you look closer the blossom is even more beautiful.

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The first photo is Hawthorn leaves - the Blackthorn blossoms then breaks out in leaves and the Hawthorn does leaves first. I don't know what the other trees are.
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Wood-sorrel, Willow, and Butterbur - last year or perhaps the year before was the first time I noticed Butterbur!

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Wood Anemone, Primroses and the fallen tree gradually decaying

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Coltsfoot, Wood Anemone, Cowslips and Snake's Head. There are lots of Dandelions and Daisies to see plus many others I didn't either notice of photograph. The short walk is more of a stroll so it's easier to take photographs of flora.

We all came together again for our tea/coffee and biscuits - again with the classroom all to ourselves.

Today's walks