Health Walk from the Sports Centre
Please click on photos to see a larger one
Tuesday 14th May
In contrast to last week's unbelievably nice morning we were anticipating rain but spring has definitely arrived and the change in the trees in just one week is remarkable. Gareth marched off with us in his and Julie's wake, they are are a third of my age!

Photo 1
It's a long climb up to Cam Lane but we are reasonably fresh at this stage. Gareth and Julie are already well ahead.

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We came out of Green Wood on to Cam lane and turned left towards Sheephill. The light was making the trees look pretty and there was a surprise in the pond.
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At the end of Cam Lane we walked down Sheephill, leaving the road and climbing back up into the Park.
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An abundance of these flowers tends to make them overlooked - on the walks I haven't time to take enough care with these photos and use the auto setting for all my photos. I'm goingto have to start using 'manual' for flower photos - need to read the instructions.
Photo 13
Which way now? I suggested Lower Kem Mill.

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The side of Back Lane and entering the footpath towards Lower Kem Mill. Somewhere along this path we lost Julie?
Coming up to cross Juniper Croft we were surprised to see our leader surge up Juniper Croft instead and we finished our walk on the roads, admitted the trees bordering them were lovely but I was disappointed, I had been looking forward to walking down to Lower Kem Mill. With hindsight I should have carried on alone.

Today's walk.