Health Walk - Tuesday 21st May 2013
Please click on photos to see a larger one
A dull day with the prospect of drizzle however we were blessed with a dry walk. Today's Tuesday walk was unusual in that we normally walk from the Sports Centre but Gareth was away on a training course so instead of meeting at Town Brow car park for a picnic after the walk, as we usually do, we got permission from CVP and LWT to start and finish from the Barn as we do on Thursdays. There were fifteen of us including a few who hadn't walked from the Barn before so Michael, today's leader, chose to do Walk 7 - through the northern area to introduce them to a new section of the Park. Sue, with a sore foot, elected to stay in the Barn and prepare for our return.

Photo 1
Marching, well strolling, along Sue Ryder Drive towards the Cinder Path - still can't get everyone to walk on the right facing the oncoming traffic.

Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5
The Pond near the Stag Lodge. A family of Coots, sorry about the quality of the photos, it was a dull day and an unsteady photographer. It was Jerry's first time on a Barn walk and he found the pond and Coots interesting - they were making quite a racket.
Photo 6
Resting at the side of the pond.

Photo 7
The long climb back over the motorway. Over the bridge four of us elected to go back to the Barn along the Cinder Path - blue route on the map - Bernadette volunteered to lead them. The rest of us carried on - green route on the map.

Photo 8 Photo 9 Photo 10
Emerging from Wood W11 (I think it's W11) the bluebells were spectacular as we walked down to the path from the Stone Bridge back up to the Barn.

Today's walks - blue is the shortcut four of us did; green is the longer walk; red is the paths we all trod.