Health Walk
Please click on photos to see a larger one
Thursday 30th January 2014
Sixteen people took part. The walk was led by Elizabeth. She took us off into the Pinetum and down to the New Bridge,

Photo 1
turning left along the Cycle Track and up towards Grazing Field. Here two of us peeled off round the southern edge of the Lake while the rest walked up in to the field and back down to the Lake.

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We were hoping to see the Great Crested Grebes dancing but we were unlucky, it wasn't exactly courting weather. There were three, one some way seperated from the other two. There were lots of Mallards, Black-headed Gulls and a couple of Goosanders which have been around fo a while now.

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The first two short walkers dropped down on to the cycle track and meandered back along the Cycle Track.
Meanwhile the main group continued round the Lake and down on to the Picnic Area.

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Here two more left the main group and followed the first short wakers back along the Cycle Track.the main group heading up into Dog Kennel Wood

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and eventually finding their way back up into the Pinetum and into the Barn for our tea/coffee and biscuits.
It was a dry walk but a cold wind, the rain started as we finished.

Today's Walk