Health Walk
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Tuesday 11th February 2014 - A good turnout considering the weather - twelve. We all made our way to the Barn driving through rain and hail but when we set foot outside the rain had stopped and kept of for the rest of he walk. As I write this the sun is shining which would have improved my photos but at least we didn't get wet. David B was the leader today and he chose Route 4, more or less. He asked us to look for specks of yellow, the Celandine is due to flower any time no. Walked through the Pinetum passing David's sectioned woodpecker nest.
At the New Bridge we turned right and walked up into the woods

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Here we are listening and looking for a Great Spotted Woodpecker, fungi on a maturing log and descending towards the Lake.

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We walked a short way along the edge of the Lake, I think the ducks would have liked some food, and descended down the steps towards the Stone Bridge.

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At the Stone Bridge David asked if anyone would like to cut the walk short but we all followed him up the hill towards Cock Cabin Wood.
Form Cock Cabin Wood we walked back along the Cinder Path, finding our way back to the Barn for our tea/coffee and biscuits.
We had twelve today with six of the regulars missing. Today is the day when we assess the Tuesday turnouts. We all agreed that there was a place for the Tuesday Walks so we will continue with them.