Health Walk
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Thursday 13th February 2014

Photo 1 Photo 2
Only ten of us turned up today, must have been the weather. The Cinder Path was closed and we weren't sure about walking through the trees but there was hardly any wind so we thought it would be OK. We walked down to the Stone Bridge with Bernadette leading and then up to Cock Cabin Pond where the leading walkers spotted something in the water which wasn't a bird or fish - an animal?

Photo 3
We continued round the pond back to the Stone Bridge, round the Lake, through Dog Kennel Wood, Gravel Hole Wood. On the way we came across Phil and Dave cutting up trees and clearing the paths.
We continued up into the Pinetum and into the Barn for our tea/coffee and biscuits.

Today's Walk
It was a dry walk , not too cold, with sunshine around us but not quite on us.