Health Walk
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Tuesday 18th February 2014 - Another sunny morning, not too cold either and fourteen and a youngster set off on our walk. Elizabeth was leading and she took us into the Pinetum and down to the New Bridge.

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At the New Bridge we turned right and up into Gravel Hole Wood and then into Dog Kennel Wood

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Leaving the wood we walked into the field for a short way and then down to the Lake.

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We didn't spot any unusual birds on the Lake

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The rangers driving up into Dog Kennel Wood to turn some previously cut branches into wood chippings for the Barn heating

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At the Stone Bridge Elizabeth asked if anyone would like to cut the walk short but we all followed her up the hill towards Cock Cabin Wood and the Cinder Path.

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Back in the Barn we celebrated Jacqueline's birthday with the Cakes she had brought.

Today's walk