Building a Tender for Suzi around 1983

This is the tender just after it had been releasd from the mould. You can see the mould in he top of the photo. Glassplies, of Southport, used to lend ou eries of moulds that they had made specially for customers like me. Sadly some people didn't return them so they no longer do it.

This is the tender the right way up. The layup is three layers of 2 oz chopped strand matt. The rim, or gunwhale, is trimmed of the surplus GRP but I left a flange all the way round because it is a source of strength and I couldn't bring myself to cut it off. I think normally you would create a gunwhale/rubbing strake by sandwiching it between two pieces of wood.
How to proceded from here?

This is a dinghy I admired at the sailing club so I photographed it and proceded to copy it.

I made cardboard formers of the thwart etc., fixed them in place with GRP filler and glassed over them. This is a few days and much hard work later.

Don't she look beautiful !

I try to be tidy but I was a bit restricted in space.

In service at last, attached to Suzi who is attached to her mooring on the King Orry trot on the East Quay at Glasson Dock.
The inside is coated in polyester resin with a whitener added.
The fender is made out of a strand of rope with another rope wound round it.
Note there is no outboard on her. I used to row up to Suzi with the incoming tide and after sailing, or whatever, I rowed back with the tide so didn't need a motor!