Cleveleys & Fleetwood - 2012
Monday January 3rd - Damian was with us so we went to Cleveleys for lunch and a walk along the shore

Damian on his way down to touch the sea, he lives in London, it was a bit too cold and windy to paddle - perhaps another sign of my fast approaching old age. We became concerned that the tide was going to come round behind him.

We had lunch, vegetarian 'breakfasts', at the round cafe on the prom, it's surrounded by the tall white lamp posts in the photo. It was very windy and I couldn't hold the camera still. In the cafe I'm checking the results so far and I was pleasantly surprised. Close up of the substantial sea defences.

Looking south into the sun - you can just make out the tower
After lunch Sue went back to the car and drove on to Rossall to wait for Damian and I while we carried on walking along the prom, now called The Lancashire Costal Way'.

The sand, you can't make out the sand grains blowing across. Lovely waves

I got several photos of Damian like this and it made me think of Gormley's statues at Crosby
photos by Damian
There are some interesting and intriguing structures/sea defences along this walk. Behind this one is an open air swimming pool belonging to Rossall School. Beyond that is the school itself. I did part of my Sea Survival course in that pool in the middle of winter - it's cold. Back in my school days I've played rugby at Rossall School for our school, Balshaw's.
At this point Damian was getting a hundred metres behind and I came back to tell him I was cold waiting for him - I put it a bit stronger than that.

Damian took over 200 photos! This is one of them. He was experimenting with camera settings - I'll have to learn how to use my camera on manual setting!

After a while Damian's back started to ache so he waited for Sue at the south end of the golf course, adjacent to the coast. I carried on to Rossall along the sea wall/costal way. A lonely fisherman.

Sue and Damian waiting for me.

Sue drove us on to Fleetwood, now quite near, to show Damian the statue - 'Welcome Home' by Anita Lafford. She figures at the beginning of our 2010 report too.
It always makes me feel sad because of the ones lost at sea that didn't come home. In my childhood days Fleetwood was a busy fishing port and trawlers used to come in, in numbers, on every tide.