Back Garden

A few detail pictures of the plants and shrubs in our back garden.

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This is the South East corner of the back garden. Mahonia and dafodills.
March 2000
Camellias to the left of the mahonia in the picture above. You can just make out the grit Sue uses to discourage the slugs and snails which create havoc in the garden.
March 2000
In the middle of the Eastern border is the pink camellia. Behind is the lilac. You can just see the ornamental weeping cherry in the bottom right hand corner. We are overlooked by several houses at the back but as the years go by they are becoming less and less noticeable.
March 2000
The white rhododendron under the right hand side of the eucalyptus tree. On the left is the variagated leaf plant, phormium veriegatum, and above it you can just see the acer. Above the rhododendron is the yellow garryia elliptica
March 2000
This is the ornamental cherry mention above along the back of the garden, Eastern edge.
March 2000
This is the Northern edge of the lawn and a comparatively recently made flower bed, well about five years ago. Mum calls this Michael's garden because I created it. There are heathers, a minature rose, a yellow azalea, euphorbia polychroma and a couple - male and female - shrubs, skimmias. In the centre behind is a tall tree heather which smells lovely. You can just see my 60th birthday present from mum, a beautiful naked black woman statuette. Behind this is the summer jasmin.
March 2000

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