Front Garden

The front garden is usually dominated by the white Volvo. It is similar to the back garden in that there is a lawn bordered by flowers and shrubs but it is not as deep. In front of the house is a rose bed, which in Spring is full of snowdrops, daffodils and primulas.

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This is the North West corner of the front garden. The berberis dominates the Northern border, a smaller berberis underneath behind the conifer. You can just see the mahonias. On the left of the berberis is the golden elder, baby's breath, laurel and the robiniae(?).
March 2000
This is the flowering cherry tree near the road on the border between us and Colin. It held it's blossom for a week this year before the wind and rain scattered it all over the road and garden.
March 2000
This is the forsythia under the cherry tree. You can see Colin's bungalow in the background, it's a mirror image of ours.
March 2000
The tulips and daffodils are under the conifer next to the forsythia. The bluebells are not out yet but will be soon.
April 2000

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