Officers Duties & Club Procedures - 1991

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This is just for historical purposes how the Club operated in late 80s and early 90s It is not how the Club should operate now.


RE-ISSUED   with  minor  amendments   NOVEMBER 1990
RE-ISSUED   with  minor  amendments   NOVEMBER 1991


1.         This document is for guidance of the Main Committee to assist them in the running of the Club.
2.         Any function of any officer may be delegated to another club member, who may be better qualified or placed to perform that function, by agreement with the main committee.
3.         This document is to be reviewed at the Main Committee meeting held in March each year with a view to revising its contents if necessary, and to ensuring that all club officers are conversant with its contents.

1.         The committee meets approximately once per month. The usual date is the first Friday of the month. This date is re-arranged if it is generally inconvenient, or if the Treasurer or Secretary cannot be available.
2.         The agenda for each meeting is closed 10 days before the meeting, ie usually on the Tuesday of the week previous to the meeting. Items for the agenda must be notified to the secretary by then, otherwise they will have to be raised under AOB.
3.         The agenda is circulated to all committee members approximately one week before each meeting, together with the notice of the meeting.
4.         Duplicated minutes are produced. Any member who has to miss a meeting receives a copy of the minutes as soon as they are available. Otherwise members receive a copy of the minutes along with the notice and agenda for the next meeting.
5.         Please try to notify the secretary if you will be unable to attend a meeting.
6.         Officers may make payments for goods etc. of up to £10 without prior consultation.
7.         The responsibilities and duties of club officers are laid down in a paper 'The Duties of Club Officers'. A copy is provided for each officer and committee member.
8.         A schedule of regular items for consideration by the committee throughout the year is enclosed.
9.         The club maintains a development programme for clubhouse and grounds. A copy is enclosed for new members. This is the running programme for club house improvements. Ideas for improvements are placed on this so that they may be considered systematically as money permits.
10.       The minutes of past meetings, and a separate record of the principal motions passed by the committee, are available for inspection at every committee meeting. We make every effort not to waste time by repeatedly going over subjects on which a decision has already been made. Minutes record motions passed, information supplied, names of individuals to take actions, and the headings of topics discussed only. Viewpoints and arguments put forward are not normally recorded. Minutes are not read at meetings. Please check them through beforehand to make sure they are accurate.
11.       It is hoped that all committee members will be able to help with the running of some aspect of the club, and that as many as possible will accept responsibility for organising and seeing through one or more of the various improvement projects that we plan. In general we believe such individual responsibility more valuable than largely unplanned 'working parties.'


January       Bar report - bi-monthly return. Camping Dates - establish permitted dates for the year.
Interim balance sheet for the year ending from the Treasurer.  Social Committee financial report for the year ending from RC Social.  Melvyn Taylor Fund - consider applications. Bar keys - arrange annual replacement.

February      Bar Extensions - receive list of recommendations from RC Social, Racing, Bar.

March           Bar Report - bi-monthly return. Newsletter - deadline for material for issue before     Easter. Rescue Boat - appoint emergency manning personnel.


 May              Bar Report - bi-monthly return. Craning-out date to be established. . Newsletter deadline for receiving material for issue before Glasson week.

June               Insurance Valuations - check insurance cover, necessary re-evaluation. 

July                Bar Report - bi-monthly return. Newsletter - deadline for material for issue before Regatta.


September      Bar Report - bi-monthly return. Newsletter deadline for material for issue before Annual Social Event. Winter berthing of Cruising Boats - arrangements. Annual building survey - make arrangements for. Membership cards - check arrangements for printing next year's cards. Annual Social Event arrangements - agree guests? Officers future intentions for following year.
Hawtin Trophy for services to the Club - nominate. Committee Nominations for AGM.
Minimum Cash Reserve - review amount to be kept (emergency reserve)
Constitution and Rules - annual review - prepare any amendments for AGM President and Vice-Presidents - invitation to continue in office. Consider election of Honorary Members (rule 45).

October           Date of Annual General Meeting (next year) - establish.

November       Development programme - review and consider project for next year. Bar Committee membership to be appointed. Handicap sub-committee to be appointed. Bar Management Rules - annual review. Melvyn Taylor Fund - advertising the awards.
Annual Building Survey - receive and consider. Bar report - bi-monthly return.
Racing programme - receive from Rear Commodore Racing.

December       Newsletter deadline for material for issue with subscription notices.
Review of past season - consider developments and the operation of the Club - improvements?
Craning-in Date - establish. Sale of goods (ties, burgees etc.) receive report from R-C Membership. Trustees - appoint if required.
Subscriptions and fees - establish for the coming year. Review staff wages.
'Duties of Club Officers' - review.
Delegated Duties, record duties delegated from Officers to other members. All other
Sub-Committees membership - to be approved and listed

GLASSON SAILING CLUB                                        ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES
The Club has two Bank accounts and a Building Society account
The Building Society Account is used as a deposit account to hold monies that are not immediately          required. This is used to earn the maximum interest possible to supplement club funds. It normally contains at least the amount the club decides as it's emergency reserve at the November committee meeting.
One of the Bank accounts is a deposit account and this is used as the account for the Melvyn Taylor Fund.
The other Bank Account is the club's current account which is used for the everyday requirements of the club.
Both Bank Accounts are with the Girobank. The Building Society Account is with the Nationwide Anglia Building Society.
All officers that are likely to receive money are issued with Girobank deposit books and first class postage envelopes for the Girobank. As an officer receives money he pays it into the Girobank using these envelopes or if it is cash at his/her local Post Office. He/she then passes a record of all these payments to the Treasurer.
All bills are paid by the Treasurer therefore, officers pass all bills to the Treasurer for payment. There are small exceptions to this where the officer is allowed a float, eg Bar and Social, and where it is necessary for the officer to make purchases and then claim reimbursement from the Treasurer.
All officers are entitled to out of pocket expenses but these should be kept to a minimum and on all occasions receipts must be obtained. When it is not possible to obtain a receipt the officer should make out a slip explaining the expense and sign and date it.

The Administration of the 'Melvyn Taylor Memorial Fund'.
1          The Fund shall be known as the 'Melvyn Taylor Memorial Fund'.
2          The objects of the Fund are that the proceeds of an appeal be used by the Committee of Glasson Sailing Club to provide facilities for sailing training as a recreational and leisure time activity in order to improve the conditions of life of young people.
'Young people' are defined as persons of either sex who have not yet reached their 22nd birthday.
3          The proceeds of the appeal shall be invested as the Committee of Glasson Sailing Club thinks fit. The interest from the investment shall be used to assist young people meet the cost of sailing training activities and courses. Any activity chosen by the recipient will be eligible provided -
a) It is concerned with sailing.
b) It is an organised course of activity.
c) It is predominantly practical in content.
4          If the number of applicants exceeds the funds available in anyone year selection is to be made by the Committee of Glasson Sailing Club. They should be guided by the following criteria -
a) active participation in sailing activities
b) general enthusiasm, and suitability as testified by a referee.
Financial need may also be taken into consideration.
5          The number and the amount of the awards in anyone year is to be such that the awards to individuals are a significant contribution towards the cost, but do not exceed two-thirds of the cost, of the selected course.
6          During October and/or November of each year information about the fund shall be publicised in the local press, and circularised among local educational bodies and youth organisations. Applications for grants are to be made in writing to the Club Secretary. Applications received by 31st December shall be considered by the next committee meeting thereafter, and awards notified. Applications received after 31st December may be considered later, but those received before this date are to take precedence.
7          Responsibility for applying for and securing places on the course of the applicants choice rests with the applicant. Payment will be made by the club in the form of a crossed cheque made out to the course of activity organiser.
8          Recipients of grants shall be urged, in recognition of the opportunity presented by the award, to consider what contribution they can make to sailing thereafter, for instance in services to a sailing club or in teaching others to sail. However, no definite undertaking is to be required.
9          In the event of the Fund having, for any reason, to be wound up all assets remaining after payment of due debts and liabilities shall be applied to whatever charitable purposes the Committee at that time thinks fit, provided that it is primarily concerned with the improvement of standards of sailing and seamanship among young people.

1          We are able to sell liquor by right of being a 'Registered Club', as defined by the Licensing Act, 1964. Our current registration will expire, and need renewal, on 22.3.93.
We do NQI hold a license, and our premises are not licensed premises.
2          No one person is the 'licensee', or stands in any special position in relation to the Magistrates' Clerk's Office - except for the Club Secretary, whose name is recorded on the register in order to facilitate contact with the Club.
3          Our opening hours are as follows:-
Monday - Saturday                                        10.45 - 23.00
Sunday                                                           12.00 - 14.00 & 17.00 - 20.30
                     On Bank Holiday Weekends          12.00 - 14.00 & 19.00 - 22.30
These hours are recorded at the M.C's Office on the register. Any variation on these would need to be notified to the M.C's office.
4          There is no legal requirement that we should be open during these hours.
5          There is no legal restriction on bona fide guests buying liquor to consume on the club premises - provided the club rules do not prohibit this. I can find no clause in the club rules which does prohibit this practice - correct me if I am wrong.
6          It is illegal for children under 14 to be in the bar at all.
It is illegal for persons under 18 to buy or consume drink.
7          It is a legal requirement that the names of new members should be posted for two days in the club house between their application for membership and their admission by the committee.
8          Any change in the club rules must be notified to the police and the M.C's office within 28 days.
9          A list of members of the club must be kept on the club premises.
10        Two-thirds of the bar-committee (or all of it if the membership is less than three) must be members of the main (elected) committee, and the bar sub- committee must be appointed by the main committee.
11        There are no conditions attached to our registration apart from opening hours.
Sources - The licensing Act, 1964 ; The Register of Clubs, Lancaster Magistrates' Clerks's office.

Originally Authorized by the Main Committee at a meeting held 7 Oct 77 with minor amendments made on 15 Jan 78.
1          This document is for guidance of the Main Committee to assist them in the running of the Club.
2          Any function of any officer may be delegated to another club member, who may be better qualified or placed to perform that function, by agreement with the main committee.
3          This document is to be reviewed at the Main Committee meeting held in November each year with a view to revising its contents if necessary, and to ensuring that all club officers are conversant with its content

The Commodore is the Senior Officer and Member of the Club. He has no specific duties other than to carry out such a role as seems appropriate to that position.
He will act as Chairman of the Main Committee.
The Vice Commodore is the deputy of the Commodore, and shall undertake such duties as the need
arises, but will be mainly responsible for:
1          Melvyn Taylor Fund
Organise the administration of this fund including the appropriate advertising, the presentation of the names of applicants to the committee, and subsequent contact with applicants.
2          Regatta
Act as Chairman of the Regatta Sub-Committee, and have overall responsibility for the Regatta arrangements in consultation with the Rear-Commodore Racing, the Rear- Commodore Cruising, the Social Secretary, the Rear-Commodore House and the Bar Controller.
3          Chaiman of the Handicap Committee.
The main function of the President, with assistance from the Vice-Presidents, is to be the 'Elder
Statesman' of the Club and provide advice and encouragement to the Main Committee.
When willing and able the President may be called upon to lead major projects that the Club embarks upon.
He will act as Chairman of the Annual General Meeting
The Vice Presidents will normally be members who have retired from positions as Senior Officers of the Club having given long and/or distinguished service. With the President they will provide continuity of the Club Aims and Objectives.
The Senior Vice-President will chair the AGM in the absence of the President.

1          Meetings
a)         Main Committee - he will notify members of meetings, prepare agenda, and keep
true minutes of meetings.
b)         Other meetings - attend other meetings as he shall wish.
2          Correspondence
All general club correspondence shall be directed through him. Correspondence with outside persons and bodies should normally be received by him except where it is specifically relevant to the functions of other club officers. In particular correspondence with would be members should not be channeled through him, but to the Membership Secretary.
3          Records
Maintain the Club records, particularly with regard to
a) minutes
b) substantive motions passed by the Main Committee.
c) officers elected and periods served
d) delegated responsibilities
4          Annual Programmes
Produce the Annual Programme each year after receiving details from other officers by the first Friday in December.
5          Newsletter
Produce a newsletter, as necessary, for distribution to the membership by the Membership Secretary.
6          Telephone
He shall be responsible for its upkeep and emptying.
7          Estimated budget
Submit his estimated budget for routine and recurring expenditure to the Committee by the
first Friday in November each year

1          Receive records of all fees paid into the Girobank from the Membership Secretary for
a) entrance fees
b) subscriptions
c) mooring fees
d) dinghy parking fees
e) any other fees
2          Receive all other monies, or records of monies paid into the Girobank, from the other officers for-
a) social activities - annual profits (if any)
b) race fees
c) bar receipts
d) telephone receipts
e) cruiser berthing fees
f) craning charges etc.
3          Pay all bills by cheque or Girobank giro and obtain receipts where possible.
4          Administer Staff Remuneration
5          Let the Main Committee have a summary of the financial position of the Club at its regular
6          Balance sheets
a) Prepare an interim balance sheet for the Main Committee meeting in January each year.
b) Prepare a balance sheet for the Annual General Meeting each year and give a financial summary.
c) Arrange for an audit by the Club auditors, and make audited copies of the accounts available to the Hon. Secretary for display on the Club noticeboard.
6          Estimated budget
Submit his estimated budget for routine and recurring expenditure to the Main Committee by the first Friday in November each year.

1          Racing Programme
a) Prepare the racing programme, in consultation where necessary with the Rear- Commodore Cruising and the Social Secretary and taking into account MBSA events. Submit this programme to the Hon. Secretary for printing by the first Friday in December each year.
b) Supply details of the racing programme to the MBSA.
c) Supply details of the main events in the programme to the Hon. Secretary for inclusion in the Annual Programme, by the first Friday in December each year.
2          Dinghy Sub-Committee
Organise the election of a Dinghy Sub-Committee, and publish the names of the Sub- Committee on the appropriate noticeboard. Arrange meetings of the Sub-Committee as necessary.
3          Dinghy Section meetings
Hold meetings of the Dinghy Section as required during the year, and encourage discussion of the management of the section.
4          Dinghy parking
a) supervise dinghy parking in the boat park in consultation with the Rear-Commodore House.
b) Receive from the Membership Secretary a list of people who have paid for, and require, dinghy parking space.
5          Safety Boat Be responsible for the safety boat, including its servicing, maintenance, operation and availability.
6          O.O.D Box
Be responsible for the 0.0.0 box
7          Certification of dinghies
Check certification of all dinghies for
a) buoyancy
b) measurement
c) insurance
8          Racing buoys
Maintain racing buoys
9          Provide prizes, hopefully from sponsors.
10        Submit his estimated budget for routine and recurring expenditure to the Committee by the first

1          Programme of events
Prepare a programme of events, in consultation with the Rear-Commodore Racing and the Social Secretary and submit this programme for printing to the Hon. Secretary by the first Friday in December each year.
2          Cruising Sub-Committee
Organise the election of a Cruising Sub-Committee, and publish the names of the Sub- Committee on the appropriate noticeboard. Arrange meetings of the Sub-Committee as necessary.
3          Cruising Section Meetings
Hold meetings of the Cruising Section as required during the year, and encourage discussion of the management of the section.
4          Register of cruising boats
Maintain a card register of cruising boats with assistance from the Membership Secretary.
5          Berthing of Cruising Boats
a) maintain the necessary records and operate the scheme as laid down in Bye-Law No b) pay fees collected into the Girobank.
c) inform the Treasurer of the details of monies paid into the Girobank
d) receive from other officers details of any members who have paid berthing fees to them.
6          Craning of cruisers
a) arrange dates for craning, and recommended dates for winching, in consultation with the Rear-Commodore Racing.
b) make all necessary arrangements for craning in and out.
c) pass invoices received to Treasurer.
d) to invoice the members for their craning fees
e) pay fees collected into the Girobank
f) inform Treasurer of details of monies received and paid into Girobank.
7          Winching
a) to monitor the safety and maintenance of the winch and to arrange with the Rear- Commodore House for any repairs to be carried out.
b) supply and maintain a launching rope for the winch.
8          Estimated budget
Submit his estimated budget for routine and recurring expenditure to the Main Committee by the first Friday in November each year

The REAR COMMODORE MEMBERSHIP (Membership Secretary) SUMMARY OF DUTIES (I broaught this up to date with what I did when I was Membership Secretary 2002 )

1    Keep an up-to-date INDEX CARD for each member which shall include –

  • name and address of member
  • Telephone numbers
  • e-mail address
  • Subscription fee paid
  • Mooring Site fee paid
  • Berthing fees paid
  • Insurance evidence produced
  • All significant information

2     Send to each Club member annually a RENEWAL FORM for Club membership noting any outstanding charges from

3     Send out BOAT REGISTER FORMS as requested.  Forms to be kept in a folder in the Snug.

4     Receive all MONIES from existing members resulting from 2 above and pay them into the Club Bank Account

5     Keep a LEDGER of all fees received/returned and paid into bank

6      Pass records of fees paid into the bank to the Hon. Treasurer.

7      Issue reminders to members who have not paid their dues, as appropriate.

8      Issue paid-up members with an official receipt, a membership card and the Club programme

9      Inform the relevant officers of those members who have paid for berthing, moorings and of members interests in their activities, e.g. inform Rear Commodore Cruising of members interested in Cruiser Meetings etc

10   New Members

       a) issue and receive application forms for membership and submit them to the Main Committee for consideration.
       b) receive all monies from new members and pay them into the Club bank, passing records of payments to the Treasurer.
       c) issue official receipt, membership card, programme and copy of Club rules to new members
     d) give details of accepted members and their boats to other officers as appropriate.

11   Supply members addresses to Secretary, Mainsheet Editor and other officers as required.

12   Membership List: Maintain a copy of the up to date list of club members in the clubhouse.

13   Estimated Budget: Submit his estimated budget for routine and recurring expenditure to the committee by the first Friday in November the next year.

HOUSE MANAGER  (Chairman of House Committee)
1          Maintenance
Be responsible for overall supervision of maintenance work on the Club house and grounds, particularly with regard to - a) cleaning  b) provision of common services (heat, light and water)
c) periodic painting
2          Development programme
Maintain the Club development programme, and provide the Main Committee with a review of the completed work at the November meeting each year. At the same meeting the programme to be reviewed and revised as necessary, and projected work for the following year considered.
3          Development work
Be responsible for the overall direction of development work on the Club house and grounds.
NB - It is specifically not the intention that the House Manager is responsible for all individual work projects in detail and in person. Responsibility for these should be distributed as widely as possible. The House Manager should keep records of who undertakes the organisation of what tasks, of the promised completion dates, and should review progress from time to time.
4          Outside Contractors
Liaise with outside contractors as directed by the Committee, always ensuring that estimates have been received and approved by the Main Committee before work is contracted.
5          Boat Park
Have overall control of the boat park, and, in conjunction with the Rear-Commodore Cruising and the Rear-Commodore Racing, of cruiser berthing, dinghy parking, storage of tenders and of car parking.
6          Galley -    Be responsible for the maintenance of the galley equipment.
8          First Aid
Maintain an adequate first-aid kit in the Club house.
9          Camping
Be responsible for the supervision of camping in the club grounds.
10        Estimated budget
Submit his detailed budget for routine and recurring expenditure to the committee by the first Friday in November each year.

1          Arrange the customary social functions, in consultation where necessary with the Rear- Commodore Racing, the Rear-Commodore Cruising, the Bar Controller and the Main Committee.
2          Organise the Annual Social Event (Dinner Dance/Laying Up Supper). 3 Arrange other activities as they feel appropriate. 4 Social Sub-Committee
Organise the election of a Social Sub-Committee, and publish the names of the members of
the Sub-Committee on the appropriate noticeboard. Arrange meetings of the Sub-Committee as necessary.
5          Provide catering for social functions as necessary. 6 Accounts
Maintain separate accounts, and present a balance sheet to the Hon. Treasurer as soon as
possible after 31 Dec each year. 7 Annual Programme
Supply information for the annual programme to the Hon. Secretary by the first Friday in
March each year.
8          Maintain galley stocks
9          Maintain supplies of cleaning requisites, toilet rolls, bin bags, etc and any item that the club
uses that it is beneficial to purchase through the wholesaler. These items are separate from the social accounts and must be presented to the Treasurer at the time of purchase.
10        Submit his estimated budget for routine and recurring expenditure to the Committee by the first Friday in November each year.

1          Provide bar service on race days and functions of the club and on other occasions that he
feels appropriate in consultation, when necessary, with the Social Secretary, Racing, Cruising and the Main Committee.
2          Ensure that the bar is open only during the hours permitted by the law.
3          Bar Sub-Committee
Organise the election of a Bar Sub-Committee and publish the names of the sub-committee on the appropriate notice board. Arrange meetings of the sub-committee as necessary.
4          Organise staffing of the bar from the Bar Sub-Committee and Main Committee members. 5 Order stock and maintain stock level. 6 Prepare and maintain the price list.
7          Pay the bar takings into the Girobank.
8          Pass records to the Treasurer of payments made into the Girobank. 9 Pass invoices to the Treasurer for payment.
10        Maintain records of purchases, receipts and pass to Treasurer. 11 Present a bi-monthly report for the Main Committee.
12        Submit his estimated budget for routine and recurring expenditure to the Committee by the
first Friday in November each year.

1          Raise the maximum amount of money to supplement club funds.
2          Seek sponsorship from local businesses, particularly sailing related ones. 3 Seek sponsorship from the local and national press. 4 Keep records of contacts and procedures.
5          To create promote and maintain Club's image. 6 To promote Club's open events.
7          Circulate local clubs, press, local radio, local TV and any other interested party with details
of matters of interest to them and the general public.
8          Submit his estimated budget for routine and recurring expenditure to the Committee by the first Friday in November each year.

1          Obtain the maximum possible favourable publicity for the Club.
2          Prepare race reports and submit to the local press and any other interested source
3          Circulate local clubs, press, local radio, local TV and any other interested party with details
of matters of interest to them and the general public. 4 Keep records of contacts and useful procedures.
5          Submit his estimated budget for routine and recurring expenditure to the Committee by the
first Friday in November each year.

Notes re Mooring Fees
It is suggested that the collection of mooring fees continues on the present basis, ie. they are collected along with the annual membership fees. This is reasonable because at the time someone renews their membership fees they know whether or not they have a mooring.
Anyone who does not have a mooring but acquires one during the year can only lay a mooring having applied to the Moorings Officer. He/she should then pay his/her mooring fee prior to laying the mooring. It is the responsibility of the Moorings Officer to collect the mooring fee and pass it on to the Membership Secretary.
Members laying a mooring after 1st April will pay pro rata to the nearest whole month for the season (April to end of October).
The following bye-law was introduced in 1989 to deal with unpaid for and abandoned mooring sites:
"Any mooring not paid for by the 1st April in anyone year, the mooring fee having become due on 1st January, shall be considered abandoned. When a mooring becomes abandoned the mooring site and any tackle in place reverts to the Club. The Club may at it's discretion lift the tackle, sell the tackle or make any other arrangements it thinks fit."
Six weeks after mooring fees are due a reminder will be sent out to anyone not having paid his/her mooring fee stating that the bye-law will be enforced.