2013 Carlsberg Trophy
Sunday 31st March 2013 - Glasson Sailing Club
Please click on the photos to see a larger one.
Many Thanks to Doug Gorton who once again suffered the cold conditions to allow us to sail in safety by Manning the Patrol Boat. Michael was OOD.
Three boats turned out to race.
The course was Ss - Bs - Gs - Ap - 18s - Ss
Three laps and two for slow boats
The wind was easterly F3-F4 gusting F5-F6
Photo by Andy Macnab
As we are trying to launch we had to struggle to keep our boats off the wall, 'twas quite dramatic.
Photo by David Booth
I don't know if this was the problem or the Pilot Boat or perhaps another boat
Sammy held my boat while I set the automatic starting device off - this machine is worth its weight in gold, well done John Wood and thank you so much for creating, building it and installing it!
The Mirror was 'ship shape' today and the trolley wheels had been derusted and greased.
It was Martin & Sammy's first appearance this year.
Photos by Andy Macnab
Michael, trailing way behind Martin & Sammy, and Giles
The conditions were again challenging but Michael felt snug and warm in his many layers under his drysuit. We had two enjoyable races, Giles opted out of the first one but couldn't resist racing in the second.
Martin & Sammy won both races and the Carlsberg Trophy

presented by Vice-Commodore, Lorna Macnab to Martin. We couldn't get Sammy to be in the photo.
Sadly other crews couldn't drag themselves away from the clubhouse stove!

The course