D K Wright Trophies & Spring Series 10
Sunday 9th June 2013 - Glasson Sailing Club
Please click on the photos to see a larger one.
Photos by Steve Speakman
Many thanks Steve Speakman, who did the OOD duty
Many thanks to John Holt who tirelessly gave Patrol Boat practical instruction on the water to several sailors, including Slippers, Duncan, OOD Steve and Curlew John

Hardly any wind and no sea breeze again but again there was shore to shore sunshine?
Four dinghies and a dayboat and a Leisure 17 on the water and Lady Eleanor was recovered. All the dinghies raced, a Laser, a 420, a Comet Zero and a Mirror.
We delayed the start of the first race for a few minutes hoping that the wind would get up. We hoped in vain but decide to try and race. What little wind there was was fickle and varied in direction and lack of strength.
The course, set by Ivan was Bs - Ap - 18s - Ss; 3 and 2 laps.

We tacked up to B and even though it was slow we all got round it. The tide was strong and the wind was dropping. We all missed 18 on the first attempt, Michael was the nearest to get round but, having aimed for Basil Perch, he was being driven hard on to the buoy when he had either to hit it or tack away. There was no doubt he would have shattered his Mirror on the buoy. He then drifted up river t join Chris and Ivan. Duncan was a little later but he too got swept up river - all of us way up river!
Ivan was the first to get round then Chris, Michael and Duncan. We all managed one lap after a period when we all thought we'd never do it.
Should we have a second race? There was a hope of slightly more wind so Michael said come on. He set a course: Ss - 18s - Chabliss - Ss. We reckoned that we could do 3 and 2 laps, which we managed quite well.

Michael & Chris Chris Ivan Duncan

Michael coming up to the end of the first lap, making the most of the river, tacking inside the post. We didn't realise at the time but today was the D K Wright Trophies Event so Michael, having won both races on handicap, won a trophy!
As we were finishing, the sea breeze was beginning to wake up. A very challenging but enjoyable day's sailing.

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