2013 Summer Series Day 9
Saturday 10th August 2013 - Glasson Sailing Club
Please click on the photos to see a larger one.
Thanks to Steve Speakman for being the OOD, the photographs and for mounting his new waterproof camera on the Patrol Boat. Thanks to Dave Booth for manning the Patrol Boat and Michael Swarbrick for the report
Steve's video with footage from his new camera in the Patrol Boat taken by Dave.

Dave to the rescue
Again the weather was interesting and the wind west Force 3 - 5.
The course, which was to do for both races, Bs - Gs - Ap - 18s - Ss : 3 and 2 laps.

We're off in the first race, Ivan has already built up a lead. Michael and Chris are close together, a few minutes later they came too close together, damaging the front of Michael's newly refurbished Mirror, first time out too!

Images from the camera on the Patrol Boat - Duncan - Chris - Owen - Jack

Ivan - Michael - the front of the Mirror is pristine but for how long?
Owen won the first race with Ivan second, Michael third
Between races, Chris and Michael examining the front of Michael's damaged Mirror

Michael thought his forestay was going to come loose and having sorted it then found his mainsheet had got entangled with his rudder. David's checking if he's OK, Owen sails on behind.

Michael al l sorted and catching up Chris and Duncan eventually overtaking them on the second lap.

Duncan, Ivan and Jack all had problems with the gusts in the second race. The gusts were very strong and the waves produced by the wind over the ebbing tide were quite challenging at times
Owen went on to win the second race making him the clear winner of The Lancaster Guardian Trophy.

The trophy was presented to Owen by Lorna, the Vice-Commodore, after the racing.
Summer Series Table - Owen's performance today has thrust him into the lead in the series pushing Ivan into second place five points behind.

Today's course The Summer Series Trophy - The Victoria Cup
Well done to the racers, who, despite the tribulations, all enjoyed themselves.

Dave was busy cutting the grass when we arrived and later recovering cruisers while we were racing - Master of Machines.

Ian & Barbara setting off for the lighthouse, to see if it was still there as Ian said, in their GP14. Peter sailing in his Keyhaven Skiff, John & Slippers in John's Bosun and Andy & Sally in their Wanderer

Steve in Misty having a shakedown cruise round the lighthouse practicing for the Regatta. Lucy, Paul & Hazel returning in Periwinkle and Peter & Anne returning from the family cruise having moored Freelancer.