1979 A few days on the Clyde, Crinan Canal and Mull
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Saturday 7th July
We saw Brian an Liz's boat for the first time, very swish but not much headroon. It's a racing GK24! IT was in Troon Marina

Went for a sail in the afternoon. It was very rough, Force 5. Suzie was a bit frightened but not sick. I think the head belongs to Liz. Brian cut the sail short because of the conditions.
Brian invited Susie and to make up his crew to four. I think someone had given backword. Brian wanted to take part in the annual Race but Susie wouldn't go so obviously Brian was disappointed
Sunday 8th July
Should have set sail but it rained all day.
Moved on board at lunch time after Suzie has set off home, she declined to go on the holiday. She took Brian's brother John with her
Monday 9th July
Set sail mid morning but returned as it was too rough for Liz.
Tuesday 10th July
I can't remember much of the holiday, It's September 2021 when I'm bringing this up to date

Set Sail again and reached East Loch Tarbert.

East Loch Tarbert, we spent the night here on the way up and on the way back

We passed through the Crinan Canal on the way up and back. At the southern end, Ardishaig, it was very sad to see a Puffer partially suberged, probably lying on the bottom

Pulladobhrain Anchorage, a must visit for Brian - We spent a night there on the way up and on the way back. There's a bridge near the pub and they say it's a bridge over the Atlantic so we had to go and stand on it.

Oban, stop to get supplies. We spent night opposite Oban in an anchorage, can't find it on Google Maps
We sailled up the sound of Mull to Tobermory. This apparently was the end of the Race and the harbour was crammed full of racing yachts. The water taxi busily ferrying crews ashore

We spent some time ashore
here you can see Brian and Liz, wee Miss Craig.
Tobermory must have been the furthest north we sailed.
Back through the Crinan Canal and then we sailed back to East Loch Tarbert pretending to race a couple of Irish boats full of testosterone

I'm not sure where these are

On the way home we spent a night in dunstaffnage Marina. The photos are very small

A pensive Susie