Saturday 13th August
Only Ivan, Laser & myself, Topper were sailing. It was a little breezy but both we enjoyed the sailing.
photos by John Wood
I was enjoying the freedom before the week to come which can be stressful deciding whether it's safe for Jaja and the twins to sail. I gained a lot of confidence as the breeze freshened.
Sunday 14th August
The Lancaster Guardian Trophy, dinghy races, took part on the Sunday – see report
Michael and Suzie brought the two ladies bikes up, two tents, all the bedding and other items.
Monday 15th August
Feverish preparations for the week ahead.
Tuesday 16th August
Jo brought the twins’ bikes to our house.
Robin was out in his Wayfarer despite the strong winds.
Michael and Suzie brought the three bikes up and the rest of their gear.
Suzie sorted out the big boat, Suzi, and prepared for the week ahead.
Wednesday 17th August
Andy and Lorna were at the Club enjoying a break but their peace was shattered when we all arrived.
Michael got all the boats ready; this included cleaning John Wood ’s Topper, which had gathered patches of soil etc. Thanks John for letting the boys use your boat.
When Ethan, Jaja, Jo, Jordan and Trudie arrived prompt this year, three boats where ready for the boys and the Patrol Boat was out of the garage waiting to be launched. However the boys had decided that they all wanted to go out in Jaja’s Mirror so Michael sailed alongside with them. Michael sailed the Topper

After the sailing the boys got their bikes out and constructed a ramp out of a block of wood and an old board and proceeded to perform acrobatics to amuse themselves. Trudie couldn't resist having a go. Somewhere there's a video of her.
Thursday 18th August
Ethan decided he’d go out alone so he had John’s Topper, Jaja and Jordan went out in the Mirror, Michael on the Topper and Ivan joined them on his Laser.

Jaja gave the helm to Jordan and gave him instruction. Ethan did very well on the Topper however into the session he nearly capsized but he let go of everything in time, just as the boom dipped into the water, and with natural agility he scrambled back into the boat.
After a while Michael gave the Topper to Jaja and sailed with Jordan helming in the Mirror - exchanging boats on the north shore. That is the situation in the photos above - left to right, both photos, Ethan, Topper; Jordan & Michael, Mirror; Ethan & Michael, Mirror; Ivan, Laser; Jaja, Topper; Ethan, Topper.

Electronic relaxation? Preparing tea; Andy & Lorna
Jo, True and Suzie had by this time got into conversations with Lorna about vegetarian food and Lorna was giving them recipes and letting us try out some of their meals.
Friday 19th August
This morning Ethan, Jaja, Jordan and Michael cycled to Lancaster Millennium Bridge on the old railway.
Jo 'hanging' out the towels to dry.

Dave strimming waiting for Lady Eleanor

Ocean Phoenix and Freelancer returned to Glasson on the incoming tide and went into the dock.

Silver River leaves for the Isle of Man

Penny Diamond arrived from Conwy and Lady Eleanor returned from Piel.

The dock dredger, Mercer, reverses out of the dock

Dave putting Holly's trailer in the water

Meanwhile Derek waits patiently to be recovered, sadly he had to leave before they could get him out and Holly is still tied up to the jetty - Wednesday 24th

Suzie has a brain wave! Bring our car to the kitchen door and we can move most of our stuff, which has been hogging the galley, and put it in the car creating a new 'food store'.
Michael decided that it was too windy for the boys to sail.
Lloyd arrived for a couple of nights but especially for the meal.

We walked along the canal to the Mill. Lovely meal at the Mill. One of the waiters took the second photo but Jordan was in a mischievous mood. These were taken after we'd ordered. The male waiter came as said the female waiter was convinced that she knew Lloyd, she recognised his face but couldn't place him. She came to the table and they exchanged possible situations but none matched up. She went away saying she would remember! She was determined! Later she came back in and it turns out she met Lloyd in Bolton at one of Lloyd's friends, someone Lloyd has lost touch with. She was Lloyd's friend's girlfriend at the time! Pity I didn't get a photo of her.
It was very dark whe nwe came out - no moon like last year. We walked back along the road and old railway track.
Saturday 20th August
Got the Tender off the trailer, put it on to Ian’s spare trailer and power washed it, looked a lot better but still stained.
Meanwhile I had cut the grass round the road trailer – the home of the Tender
Got the outboard out of the locker and it started up and seemed OK.
The boys declined the opportunity to take part in the Viking Invasion because they wanted to improve their sailing ability and it was too far fro them on the dinghies. Once the last Viking boat had left, Jaja, Yellow Topper ; Ethan Blue Topper, Jordan Mirror and me in the Tender launched.
Started to rain but the boys didn’t seem to mind. Ethan had a moment of excitement when he nearly capsized but with a little guidance from Michael and agility on his part he stayed upright.
Ian and Barbara had sailed the GP14 in the Viking Invasion, and as the sails were wet I said leave it for me and I'll put it away.
Sunday 21st August
I power-washed the GP14 and the yellow Topper and I was amazed at how good the Topper looked.
I decided that we wouldn't sail, the wind was too fluky, OK but very strong in gusts. We set off on a walk to the cafe at Conder Green.

We bumped into Karen and Peter from Breathe Easy. Karen wasn't feeling very well.

They're all looking at some ducklings in the water, there were ten. The boats had just locked down and were leaving the dock heading out to sea.

Sam and friend went out in Sam’s Graduate, Andy and Helen went out in their GP14 and late arrivals Nick and daughter went out in their Mirror. Periodically we could hear the wind in the rigging so Michael felt he had been sensibly cautious.
Cut the grass in the GP14’s space.
Power-washed the stern of Suzi to get rid of all the green etc. Started to power wash Suzi’s under side.

We all walked along the shore and down the track, of the old steam railway to the Café d’ Lune for drinks and a snack.

Suzie and I stayed out of the sun, which was very hot and bright.

Eating more of the food prepared at home by Trudie and Jo
Dried the GP14’s sails and put the boat away.
Monday 22nd August
We woke up to a gorgeous day!

Mystery house, well mystery to me. Will the ones on the right ever be finished/occupied?

The boys sat on the bench and watching two seagulls, herring gulls, dive bombed a heron and drove it away. Several times over the holiday they all got up, they all slept in the same tent, and went and sat on Peter Hosking's bench before coming in for breakfast.

We left the boats rigged over the holiday and parked them next to the tents, sheltered by Chablis, our Isle of Man Race winner. At the moment our Topper is behind Suzi, where I'd power-washed it yesterday. We had a wild night forecast on Friday so we parked the cars to shelter the tents.
Jo and the twins were going home today, it was eldest son's Adam's birthday tomorrow. Jo's already packed her tent and is starting on Trudie's. Trudie slept alone also except when Lloyd came, the boys sleeping in the bigger tent. Tonight, Trudie and Jaja would sleep in the bigger tent.

We always leave the place cleaner than we found it, just to be on the safe side, to avoid criticism. The cooker is a disgrace, we only did the top and rings - John said wait until Doug has finished his preparations after the Regatta.

Sailing wasn't till 1600 hours so the day had to be filled somehow.
Steven and Marie were on holiday and they called to see us before they walked along the canal to Galgate.

We decided to walk down to the quay to see how many ducklings were left. We had seen a Herring Gull take one and each day there were less of them.
Today there were only four left.
Time to sail at last

The boat on the right is Mick trying out his new purchase, a Skipper 14.




Anxious Mums and Gandma waiting to help their charges ashore - not without incident.
They all did very well and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Time to go home - Jo and the twins leaving after hugs and kisses - Trudie and Jaja going to open the gate.

Tuesday 23rd August
After a wild night it was too early and gusty a wind to sail.
More surprise Breathe Easy visitors! Anne, Vic and his cousin from New Zealand were spotted by Trudie and Jaja on their way home - stopped to see how many ducklings were left - none - and she brought them up to the Club.
We packed up and finally left for home.