Health Walk - Thursday 18th March 2014
Please click on photos to see a larger one
Only eight of us today - mostly due to holidays but there may be have been a few reluctant to turn out in the rain, which was heavy at the start.
Michael was today's leader and the ten days of dry weather had encouraged him to think of the route over the stepping stones and along the river. He set out early, Sue dropping him off in Shady Lane, to reconnoitre the route but was disappointed to find the route quite wet in places and perhaps slippery so he chose Walk 4.
Only a small deviation for the walkers who chose to cut out the walk up the steps, difficult for some of us, and round the western edge of the Lake, otherwise we all stayed together.
As we entered Cock Cabin Wood we were entertained by a flock of Great Tits.
It wasn't a great day for photographs and Michael was disappointed to find most of the ones he took were out of focus!

Photo 1 Photo 2
These catkins were in the Pinetum, in the middle of a Holly Bush, well that's what it looked like but they were on a tree next to the Holly Bush. Alder? It was quite tall.

Photo 3
The only other one that turned out - we are approaching the Barn at the end of the walk as the sun came out for the first time.

Today's Walk