Saturday 1st January 2022 - Morning out at Yarrow Valley Park and Astley Park
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We got away a little after 9:30
We arrived at Yarrow Valley Park car park and

Ann changed into her boots
We set off along the sign-posted Woodland Walk eventually crossing the river back to the main path to the weir

Ann spotted the squirrel and the saw a mouse type creature
darting out of the hole in front of the squirrel and disappearing. We both saw it hurry back into the hole

We walked on to the weir which is always spectacular

We climbed the steps and carried along along the river

We came across this sign which is new, wasn't here last time when I came with Damian a few months ago. A large fence, railway sleepers had grown up too. I looked over the fence and there were no signs of any building?
It was very muddy so we decided to turn back.

The weir on the return journey, Ann liked this viewpoint

We were now approaching the

There were two swans on the other side but I haven't got them in focus
I suggested we sit on a bench which we did and watched the world go by. It's good to sit out in the open near water and absorb things. There are many more people around much larger than me.

The black and white ones are Tufted Ducks

Are these Goosanders?
We arrived back to the car park and found the cafe open so we had a coffee and we picked up some leaflets one of which mentioned Drybone Cottages and a Drybone Colliery
I persuaded Ann to go to Astley Park on the way home as it was still not dinner time

We got to Astley
and it was too early for lunch so we set of on the Astley Park Walk in a clockwise direction. Somehow the Hall looks totally different since they removed the cladding. I'm looking forward to looking round when it's open again

I like the fountain

Over half way round as we entered the woods
When we got back to the car I persuaded Ann to go and sit opposite to the fountain to eat our sandwiches
A lovely day out |