2014 A Diary of events and The story of our garden this year. Click on the small pictures to see a larger version January February March April May June July August September October November December January Wednesday 1st January - This morning the CVP Health Walkers met at the Beaumont car park for their annual New Year's Day walk and lunched afterwards in the pub Thursday 2nd January - 11 mile cycle ride Saturday 4th January - 16 mile cycle ride Monday 6th January - First bus-pass-bus to Preston to exchange gifts and use up gift tokens.
Tuesday 7th January - we both went on the Health Walk Thursday 9th January - Sue went on Health Walk, Michael cycled 13 miles Sunday 12th January - not a very good day but it was dry so we decided to venture out to Southport. We arrived just after noon so we parked on the front near the pier. Their were a few GP14s on the Marine Lake as we walked to Beales (formerly Broadbent's) for lunch, which was OK. it's also very civilised.
Monday 13th January - 16.4 mile cycle ride. Tuesday 14th January - Walked to bike shop to get new brake blocks and a levered saddle lock. Carried on walking to Farington Lodge, Centurion Way, across the fields to Fowler Lane, across the fields to Farington way and home down Croston Road. Wednesday 15th January - 12 mile cycle ride. Decide to deviate a little onto a new cycle path but there was at least six patches of quagmire and a 15m long flood? Thursday 16th January - Sue went on the Health Walk and Michael stayed in to oversee the boiler service, we woke up to no heating - just like 'the good old days'. Friday 17th January - Another bike ride - 10.7 miles. It was afternoon and darker than the morning rides. Sunday 19th January - We did some work in the garden! We put the new nesting box up and repaired seven fence panels. Monday 20th January - Cycled 12 miles Tuesday 21st January - Health Walk Wednesday 22nd January - Cycled to doctor's and back 3.5 miles and then an 11.3 mile ride before lunch. Sue at the dentist's in the afternoon. Thursday 23rd January - We both went on the Health Walk, Sue and two friends doing the shorter route and having the tea/coffee and biscuits ready when we arrived back at the barn. Friday 24th January - Bike ride through the Park heading south - 11 miles. Afternoon shopping in Preston, via the bus, to get Dorothy's birthday present. We also got Sue two pairs of trousers, a shirt and jumper!!! Monday 27th January - Bike ride - Eye Tests; Sue OK; Michael referred for cataract operation Tuesday 28th January - Health Walk Thursday 29th January - We both went on the Health Walk Saturday 1st February - Managed a bike ride. Did 139 miles in January Monday 3rd February - Yesterday I started work on widening the border on the north side of the back garden - today, as it was dry I decide not to cycle but carry on with the border this is where I started today: Tuesday 4th February - I decided not to walk today but carry on with my project to widen the border Thursday 6th February - We both went on the Health Walk Friday 7th February - 11 mile ride, had my first puncture after just over 2 miles but managed to fit my spare tube without needing back-up, it took me a while though. Monday 10th February - 16 mile bike ride in glorious sunshine - a bit cold Tuesday 11th February - Health Walk - A good turnout considering the weather - twelve. We all made our way to the Barn driving through rain and hail . . . . Thursday 13th February - We both went on the Health Walk today Friday, Saturday & Sunday, 14th, 15th & 16th February - atrocious weather, high winds and heavy rain Monday 17th February - Michael to Fulwood Hall to see Opthamlic Consultant - Mr Raines Tuesday 18th February - Michael went on the Health Walk Also took several photos in the garden Wednesday 19th February - Michael worked in garden instead of going for a bike ride. Thursday 20th February - We both walked this morning and had lunch at Morrison's - liver and onions Saturday 22nd February - cleaned the north-side gutters, found they don't have a fall, dip in the middle. Monday 24th February - Repaired another fence panel and the two 'arches' in the back garden Tuesday 25th February - We both went on the Health Walk today Saturday 1st March - Carried on tidying up the back garden. Planted out the Rose tree, the remaining Clematis, the herbs and the Winter ... Monday 3rd March - Michael attended Fulwood Hall Hospital for biometric measurements of his eyes for cataract operations. Thursday 6th March - Sad day today, we went to Ray Hill's funeral. Ray was a member of Suzie's Breathe Easy Group. Friday 7th March - worked in the garden Saturday 8th March - Garden again. We're findingthat we can only do two hour stints these days but managed before and after lunch. Sunday 9th March - More gardening, it is beginning to look tidier at last Monday 10th March - ten mile bike ride then more gardening in the afternoon. Tuesday 11th March - Michael managed the Health Walk but Suzie felt too tired. We both attacked the weeds again in the afternoon. Wednesday 12th March - Another bike ride this time over 16 miles, the weather has been glorious for the last few days!
Thursday 13th March - Health Walk Saturday 15th March - Gardening - Cut down Skyrocket in front garden Sunday 16th March - Cut back the holly bush and started to trim the conifers between drives, managed the one nearest the road Tuesday 18th March - Health Walk Wednesday 19th March - Finished triming conifers Sunday 23rd March - We picked Damian up from Wigan and went to find the Singing Ringing Tree at Burnley and then on to Townley Hall for lunch and a look round the hall. Monday 24th March - There are four of these pantopticans so we, Sue Damian and I,went to find the Atom at Wycollar and had a lovely day out in Wycollar Country Park Tuesday 25th March - We attended the British Lung Foundation North West Conference with Anne. Thursday 27th March - Health Walk in the morning, Michael leading, and Breathe Easy in the afternoon Monday 31st March - Michael's last bike ride in March, managed 110 miles in March. Tuesday 1st April - Michael leading the Health Walk again Wednesday 2nd April - Sue went on a spending spree in St. Anne's, well she bought a top from Country Casuals. Thursday 3rd April - Health Walk Tuesday 8th April - Health Walk - Michael Thursday 10th April - Health Walk Tuesday 15th April - Michael had a cataract removed from his right eye at Fulwood Hall Hospital - NHS operation in a private hospital. Thursday 17th April - Health Walk Friday 18th April - Good Friday - We walked over the Moss to listen to the Skylarks and Lapwings Monday 21st April - Easter Monday - We walked with Trudie and Dave through Cuerden Valley Park Tuesday 22nd April - Michael went on the Health Walk Thursday 24th April - Health Walk in the morning, Michael leading and Breathe Easy in the afternoon where Ian gave an interesting talk on historical events in Chorley Tuesday 28th April - Health Walk Sue went to the Opticians and was sent to the Royal Preston Hospital who sent her to the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital for emergency Vitreoretinal Surgery on her left eye on Wednesday afternoon. Wednesday 29th April - Follow-up apointment to check cataract operation Sunday 4th May - Sponsored Cycle Ride Tuesday 6th May - Health Walk Thursday 8th May - Health Walk and Breathe Easy Exercise Class in the afternoon Sunday 11th May - Michael went on the Dawn Chorus Walk - 0500 hours start! In the afternoon we went to the St. Catherine's Plant Sale also for Michael to be interviewed on Radio Lancashire and photographed for the Volunteers' on walk on 3rd June. Elizabeth is my cousin. Monday 12th May - off to the hospital for Suzie's check-up - OK come back in six weeks Tuesday 13th May - Health Walk Thursday 15th May - Health Walk Tuesday 20 May - Michael leading the Health Walk Wednesday 21st May - Fitted door back on Trudie's kitchen unit, she's had to have a new washing machine, and a new lock on their back door Thursday 22nd May - Michael leading the Health Walk Tuesday 27th May - Michael hospital for check up Thursday 29th May - Health Walk Friday 30th May - cycled through the Park this morning Saturday 31st May - Trudie's Birthday Sunday 1st June - my birthday
Tuesday 3rd June - Volunteers Celebration Walk - Michael led a special walk through the Park Wednesday 4th June - we picked up our hanging baskets Thursday 5th June - Michael had his second cataract operation - left eye, at Fulwood Hall Hospital Tuesday 10th June - Michael went on a Health Walk Thursday 12th June - Damian's birthday and our 'official wedding anniversary - 43 years'. We went on a Health Walk Tuesday 17th June - Michael went on a Health Walk Thursday 19th June - ? Tuesday 24th June - Sue's birthday, Michael had a check up appointment at Fulwood Hall Hospital but managed to get back in time for the Health Walk Thursday 26th June - We both went on a Health Walk in the Park Friday 27th June to Sunday 13th July we had a holiday with Daphne in Cornwall Friday 27th June to Sunday 13th July we had a holiday with Daphne in CornwallMonday 14th July - Michael gave another blood sample. Tuesday 15th July - Went back to MREH and they fixed Sue up with operation tomorrow. Wednesday 16th July - at 7.00am we got a phone call – “please don’t set off yet”, they postponed the operation Thursday 17th July - Michael went on a Helath Walk Friday 18th July - Sue eventually had the operation in the evening. Part of her retina was still detached and her lens was impenetrable. They worked on her retina but replaced her lens first. She stayed in overnight. Saturday 19th July - Michael brought Sue home in the morning after she had seen a surgeon Sunday 20th July - picked Damian up from his Mum's and we had a walk in the Park Monday 21st July - Michael & Damian went to Formby Point while Sue convalesced at home Tuesday 22nd July - Michael saw the Urologist, Mr. Matanhelia, PSA 10+ rcommended a biopsy. Thursday 24th July- went ot MREH with to have check up on Sue's eye Michael attended Peggy's Breathe Easy Buffet in the afternoon, Sue wasn't well enough to go.
Friday 25th July - Michael had a Prostate Ultrasound Scan and Biopsy Tuesday 29th July - Michael led a Health Walk in the Park Wednesday 30th July - Michael's acupuncture Thursday 31st July - Michael went on a Health Walk in the Park Tuesday 5th August - Michael went to Chorley Hospital for his biopsy results - cancer in the right side of his prostate. Thursday 7th August - a short Health Walk then an MRI scan for Michael at Chorley Hospital Monday 11th August - went to Manchester Royal Eye Hospital for Suzie's check up and things aren't good. She has to have another operation at 0730 hours Wednesday Morning Tuesday 12th August - another Health Walk, this time in the torrential rain, actually it held off until we were safely uder the tree umberella Mid afternoon we went for a short walk in the Park on the top level Wednesday 13th August - Sue had her third eye operation! Thursday 14th August - Sue had to stay in hospital. Operation not successful! Brought her home in the afternoon. Next operation scheduled for Wednesday the 20th Saturday 16th August - got new computer! Monday 18th August - got my web programme working again! First bike ride for nine weeks, just to doctors' and back. Tuesday 19th August - Cycled to Park, walked and cycled home. In the afternoon fell off steps pruning Magnolia tree. Went to Chorley A&E - small puncture in my right lung but everything else OK - it hurts Wednesday 20th August - Not able to take Suzie to Manchester so Dave took her for her fourth operation. She's staying in overnight so Dave and Trudie visited her this afternoon. It really hurst today. Michael - MRI scan shows prostate cancer larger than expected but still confined to gland. Go to see urology nurse on September 4th to discuss treatment. Three months hormone treatment and then radio therapy. Thursday 21st August - Dave & Trudie brought Suzie home Thursday 4th September - Michael went to Chorley Hospital to get his cancer treatment sorted Monday 8th September - Dave & Trudie took Suzie to MREH for her check-up. As far as they could see everything was OK. In the afternoon she had a plain lens fitted to her glasses. To go again in four then six weeks. Sunday 28th September - Picked Damian up from Wigan and walked round Worthington Lakes. Suzie sat in the car and read. Longest driving that Michael had done since his fall. Suzie can't see well enough to drive at the moment Monday 29th September - Walked with Damian in Cuerden Valley Park Tuesday 30th September - Michael's first Health Walk since he fell off the steps Sunday 5th October - Michael managed a short bike ride today, 6.4 miles, round Midge Hall - flat course. Tuesday 7th October - Michael went on a Health Walk Thursday 9th October - We both went on a Helath Walk Friday 10th October - Trudie and Lloyd took us to Manchester REH for Suzie's eye check Up. Everything seems OK. In the afternoon Suzie booked Michael in to see the doctor who sent Michael to Preston Primary Care Centre - suspected DVT Saturday 11th October - went to Preston Primary Care Centre for an injection - told we could do Sunday's and Monday's ourselves which means Suzie Monday 13th October - Michael's Soladex injection at the Doctor's Tuesday 14th October - We went to Preston Primary Care Centre for Michael's Venogram. The results show that there is a clot from the top of the calf under the knee and into the thigh. Support stockings for two years and Clarex injections daily for six months. Thursday 16th October - We went on a Health Walk in the Park in the morning
Friday 17th October - Michael started to weed rose bed and also cut back most of the roses Saturday 18th October - Went to Tesco's but couldn't get what we wanted - syrups of figs so went to Booths Afternoon, Michael did more weeding in front garden - only managed an hour Tuesday 21st October - Michael went on the Health Walk Saturday 25th October - We shopped in the morning but in the afternoon we went for a ride in the hills - Anglezarke
Monday 27th October - the fencing bits arrived mid morning and we worked all day with Steven's help Tuesday 28th October - we both went on the Health Walk Saturday 1st November - 9.2 mile bike ride including Park Tuesday 4th November - we both went on the Health Walk and then had lunch at Sainsbury's Wednesday 5th November - A glorious day so Sue persuaded me to take her to Southport.Michael was so tired we rode on the tram back into Southport On the way back we called at Sainsbury's, Bamber Bridge. Whist sitting in the car I noticed the New Mill was coming down! Mum used to be weaver there before she married Dad. Thursday 6th November - We both did the Health Walk again Friday 7th November - Went with Sue, Trudie & Lloyd took us, the MREH for Sue's check-up. Things seem to be progressing OK. They are going to arrange another operation to take the oil out now. Sadly she'll never get much sight back in the eye. They said her other eye is fine and unlikely to have the same problem. Sunday 9th November - Michael went for a bike ride 10.9 miles along the Leyland Community Loop Tuesday 11th November - We both went on the Health Walk Thursday 13th November - Health Walk again We went to Breathe Easy in the afternoon. In the evening we went to a talk about deer in Britain, very interesting and enjoyable Saturday 15th November - Michael did another Bike ride, only 10 miles today Monday 17th November - We went to Chorley on the bus. First to the hospital for Michael to give blood for a DVT check. We did a few errands and had lunch at Wetherspoons - The Sir Henry Tate, named after the sugar baron. apparently he started out as a grocer in Chorley Tuesday 18th November - Michael led the the Health Walk Thursday 20th November - Michael led the Health Walk, as it turned out the reverse of Tuesday's walk. Saturday 22nd November - Michael managed another 10 mile bike ride but over a different route
Sunday 23rd November - Trudie and Lloyd's Wedding Anniversary. We picked Damian up from Wigan and he and Michael Went for a walk in Cuerden Valley Park Tuesday 25th November - We both went on the Health Walk Thursday 27th November - We both went on the Health Walk
Saturday 29th November - Managed another bike ride, it was a lovely morning Tuesday 2nd December - We both went on the Health Walk For lunch we went to The Mill, St. Catherine's new restaurant Thursday 4th December - Again we both went on the Health Walk Saturday 6th December- Michael did another ten mile cycle ride Tuesday 9th December - Michael led the Health Walk while Suzie stayed home to prepare for her operation tomorrow. In the afternoon we went to the Breathe Easy Christmas Lunch at the Wellington Park hotel. Wednesday 10th December - Took Suzie to Manchester Royal Eye Hospital for her fifth and hopefully last eye operation Thursday 11th December - Picked Suzie up from hospital Saturday 13th December - We went to Richard's 70th birthday celebration in Buckingham via Virgin Trains
After the birthday tea Julie had arranged for us all to go to a pantomime in Milton Keynes - Peter Pan. I was looking forward to a quiet evening in front of the TV but we really enjoyed it. Sunday 14th December - Richard took us to the station, Milton Keynes. We travelled home and Steven picked us up at Preston station. Tuesday 16th December - Michael went on the Heath Walk Wednesday 17th December - Michael went to RPH to be scanned and tattooed for his radio therapy which begins on the 8th January Thursday 18th December - Michael led the Health Walk Sunday 21st December - Michael did a 13.5 mile bike ride Monday 22nd December - We went to Manchester REH for Sue's check-up and were told her retina was still in place, which was good news. She will never regain her sight properly in the eye. Have to go again in six weeks Tuesday 23rd December - Health Walk Thursday 25th December - Christmas at Trudie's Friday 26th December - Boxing Day at Alison & Paul's. Michael went for walk with Alison and Damian Saturday 27th December - Our hibernating butterfly died or rather was saved from further suffering Afternoon - Gregory's get-together at Jean's Tuesday 30th December - Michael led a Health Walk to the Mound, Buckshaw