Health Walk - Thursday 12th June 2014
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Today's leader was David and he tried to find an unusual walk. We walked down to the Stone Bridge and made towards the Lake.
Photo 1
Here David is explaining his plans for the rest of the walk. We carried on up the steps to the Lake.

Photo 2 Photo 3
The geese followed us in vain, hoping for food no doubt.
We walked round the Lake and at Photo 3 Sue left us and followed the green route on the map. We walked up the hill towards Hawkes Clough and on to the Ponderosa. Along Cam Lane we decided not to go back through the Cow Field, the cows were around, and walked down into Green Wood, along the top and back down to the Lake and over the Stone Bridge.
Photo 4
As we made it up the hill we paused to admire the view, well to have a rest really, it's quite a climb to this point. We eventually got back to the Barn.

Photo 5
We had an audience for our tea/coffee and biscuits, these Teddy Bears belonged to the young children that Ruth was entertaining/educating for the day.
The weather was absolutely glorious, the sun was lovely and the shade under the umbrella of the trees was refreshing.

Today's Walk