Health Walk - Tuesday 30th December 2014
Please click on photos to see a larger one
Only four walkers today, Carmel, Carole, Linda & Michael. A beautiful sunny morning , a bit slippy in places but otherwise great.
Michael chose to lead the walk from the Kem Mill Car Park as the Barn was closed, Jim would have opened the Barn but the majority said not to - hence only four turned out, most of the others must be recovering from Christmas
We set off from the car park towards Lisieux Hall.

Photo 1 Photo 2
Walking up the path towards Lisieux

Photo 3
Struggling up the mound, it was soft and wet, it was challenging to find a dry firm footing.

Photo 4 Photo 5
View from the top: Leyland, you can see the sculpture which wasn't visible for the leaves when we walked up here in June.
Photo 6
Roughly pointing south-east - what is the hill in the distance? Parbold?

Photo 7 Photo 8
Winter Hill and Rivington Pike
both barely recognisable.
We left the mound and crossed Dawson Lane onto the New Cycle Track and Path, well the latest addition it's not new now.

Photo 9
Onto the Cycle Tack now heading back towards the car park, the lodge is covered in thin ice.

Today's walk