Health Walk - Tuesday 11th November 2014
Please click on photos to see a larger one
Nine walkers today, the uncompromising forecast probably kept a few away. As it turned out most of the walk was dry, we only had a few drops of rain now and then towards the end of the walk.
Michael took charge and we set off towards the Pinetum but Sue and Peter decided they would walk down to the Stone Bridge.

Photo 1
Approaching the Wooden Bridge, Elizabeth's boot had come undone. Over towards the north in the distance we could hear what sounded like pile driving?
We walked up into Gravel Hole Wood along the path into Dog Kennel Wood, up into the field and down to the Lake

Photo 2 Photo 3
Approaching the Lake
Round the Lake, we crossed the Stone Bridge and headed up to Cock Cabin Wood where we walked round Cock Cabin Pond and down into the Unnamed Wood. We came out of the wood and started back up to the Barn.
As we reached the Gregsons' seat it was almost eleven-o-clock so we gathered round the seat and observed the one-minute silence, the quietest the walkers have ever been even if it was only for a short period. We started walking again to the music of pile driving.

Photo 4
This photo is looking down towards the Wooden Bridge

Photo 5
Two men at work on a miniature pile driving contraption. Is this the start of the preliminary work on the new Visitors Centre?
Back in the Barn it was strangely silent. All the LWT staff were at Brockholes.

Today's walk
Red is most of us, blue is Sue and Peter. At the moment Sue and Peter can't walk very far or take in too many hills. |