Health Walk - Thursday 17th July 2014
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Today was a special day because Jim, the Park Manager, took us into Ice House Wood.

Photo 1
Jim explained about the reason for the Pinetum and pointed out several of the trees

Photo 2
His favourite trees in the Pinetum are two Beeches, this one probably planted around 1750.

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He led us into Ice House Wood and down to the Ice House.

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Here we are looking into the Ice House. The Ice House was constructed before the Lake (Reservoir) so the valley was flooded in the winter to produce the ice.
(Charcoal producing - photo taken at the 2011 May Fair)
Jim then explained the work being done in the wood to bring it back to a traditional use, Oak for wood working and Hazel for coppicing - basket work, hurdles etc. The Hazel is harvested ever seven years. There were a lot of Alder but they have been gradually removed to give the Oaks room to breathe and wild flowers sunshine. This year there had been lots of Bluebells and there are many Foxgloves now. The Park tend to use Alder for charcoal making as it's a poor wood for firewood. Not a lot of charcoal is made these days because of lack of Park staff.

Photo 7
We came out of the wood, where Jim left us to carry on with his work and we walked down to the New Bridge. Michael took over the lead trying to take us where we don't usually go, well for a short part of the walk.
The weather was absolutely glorious, the sun was lovely but hot however the shade under the umbrella of the trees was refreshing. We seemed to manage to keep in the shade for most of the walk.

Today's Walk