Pendle - a couple of days with Damian
Sunday March 16th & Monday March 17th 2014
Sunday 16th March
Suzie said she'd love to go and find the Singing Ringing Tree somewhere near Burnley. Damian said that was OK with him.
We picked Damian up in Wigan at 1000 hours and drove along the M6 then the M65 to junction 9. We followed the instructions off the internet and arrived at the car park
It was cloudy bright with period of sunshine but it was very cold and windy.

The Singing Ringing Tree Panopticon

Damian's photo of us

As we were leaving a large group of men arrived

Views to the east

Monday 17th March
We decide we'd go and find the Wycollar Atom

We arrived at the Atom at lunch time so we had a quick look at it while Suzie made the sandwiches. The stone walls around us were more like rows of grave stones.

Suzie boldly striding out but all too soon she found the wind was too strong and she was having difficulty breathing

Down alongside the Wycollar Beck we were sheltered from the wind but too far away for Suzie to have reached this haven safely.
This tree made me think of a swastika!

That's the Atom on top of the hill where Suzie was keeping warm in the car, sun beating down on windscreen

The prehistoric Clam Bridge

This is the Clam Bridge Copy House Bridge built in 1992. Damian insisted that we walk back up the hill and bring Suzie down in the car. She was delighted and enjoyed the time we spent round the ruins, barn visitors' centre and the hamlet of Wycollar.

Couldn't resist walking on water. Damian thought about it but didn't.