Tuesday 3rd June 2014 CVP Health Walk and Walk No 18 of the Lancashire Dot Com Walkers
Please click on photos to see a larger one
Photos & words by Bob & Michael - the photos labelled in red, e.g. Photo 1, are Bob's - labelled in blue are Sarah's
Today was a special day, a walk to celebrate the efforts of volunteers in National Volunteers' Week. The walk was organised by Bob Clare, a volunteer at the Brothers of Charity, Lisieux Hall, and also with Jim, a volunteer at St. Catherine's both leaders of Lancashire Walkers Dot Com and supported by the staff at Lisieux Hall and St. Catherine's.
Our route reflected the fact that five organisations located in or near the park use volunteers in order to improve lives of others. The five charity volunteers were invited to take part, listed north to south: St. Catherine's Hospice, Cuerden Valley Park Trust, Lancashire Wildlife Trust, Sue Ryder Home and the Brothers of Charity at Lisieux Hall.
The walk was magnificently supported by the members of Lancashire Walks Dot Com. We, the Park, were represented by five of the Heath Walk Leaders and five of the Health Walkers.

Photo 1
The main group assembled on the Wigan Lane Car Park
Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4
Bob walking over the M6 footbridge to greet the Cuerden Valley Health Walkers, the other walkers following Bob. The main group started from the Wigan Lane Car Park. The Cuerden Valley Park group started at the Barn and we were fortunate to both arrive at the motorway footbridge at the same time. Here Bob announced that Michael, Cuerden Valley Park Health Walk Leader, was taking over the leadership, Michael had led from the Barn and Bob from Wigan Lane Car Park.
Photo 5
Michael took the walkers along the Cycle Track and into Cock Cabin Wood, here they are walking round Cock Cabin Pond. We continued through the small wood adjacent to the Nature Reserve and down to the Stone Bridge.

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An Orchid Bob spotted. We walked across the Picnic Area and up the steps to the Lake where we saw the Canada Geese goslings.
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We walked round the Lake and up into Dog Kennel Wood. At the entrance to Dog Kennel Wood two of the Health Walkers chose to walk along the Cycle Track. From Dog Kennel Wood we continued into Gravel Hole Wood.

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Here we are leaving Gravel Hole Wood - our youngest full walker.
Photo 12
Leaving the wood we walked along the river, a somewhat trick section due to the exposed tree roots and muddy sections.

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We came upon the stepping stones to cross the River Lostock. Here Michael just intended to shock the walkers into thinking they would have to cross the uneven stones to the other side.

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However the laugh was on Michael who was surprised and delighted that most of the walkers opted to cross the river

Photo 19
Michael continued on the east side of the river with the remainder of the group and continued walking on both sides of the river to the next rendezvous point, the Town Brow Car Park.

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The 'brave' walkers crossing the return stepping stones, these stepping stones are much more gentle, to enter the car park.
Photo 22
Assembling ready to cross Sheephill Lane into the south section of the Park, a few more walkers joined us here. we were approaching forty in number now.

Photo 23
Michael dropped his mobile in the car park, all Michael's photos are taken on his mobile, and here he is trying to get it working again!

Photo 24
Walking along the Cycle Track
Photo 25 Photo 49 - Alan & Barbara (no larger on)
We arrived at the Kem Mill Car Park and were joined by The Lancashire Wildlife Trust volunteers organiser Catherine Haddon and Alan, LWT PR Oficer, and colleague Barbara. Catherine is on the right-hand edge of the photo, Alan at the rear in Blue, Barbara red and black hoops top.
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Walking up the hill to Lisieux Hall Bob pointed out the view of Winter Hill. Kathleen Page, Pastoral Leader (not sure of her actual title) met us a the entrance road and led us through the Woodland Walk that was created by a group of the volunteers at Lisieux Hall.

Photo 28 Photo 50 Kathleen
This sculpture is one of many sculptures and pottery plaques to be found along the Woodland Walk.

Photo 29
We were welcomed by Lizzie McClennan, Chairperson of Voice For All the advocacy group for Brothers of Charity Services. We also met many other members of the group.

Photo 30 Photo 31
In the cafeteria Lizzie is making a welcome address.

Photo 32 Photo 47 - a different view point Photo 51 Michael Photo 52 The six CVP volunteers
Another group photo this time including the walkers from Lisieux Hall.

Photo 33 Photo 54 Sarah
These is the photographers. On the left is Sarah Dunn of St. Catherine's Hospice, PR and Communications Officer who helped publicise the walk and arranged Radio Lancashire interviews a few days before. You may have spotted her in an earlier photo. We were encouraged to cheer.
Gagging, well some of us,for lunch we were shepherded away from the Hall towards the 'Mount'

Photo 48 Photo 53 Bob
Bob leading us off to the Mound with Jim behind

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Walking down to Dawson Lane - just before we crossed Dawson Lane- almost there - looking around on the Mound.

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Some of the views, round about now the sun broke out and blessed us for the rest of the day.
Photo 40
The youngest member of the group but Grandad did most of the walking for him, just three and a half, he had to walk when Grandad carried the push chair up the steps and over the rough ground.

Photo 41
Bob organised us fro a photo before we set off back down.

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Setting off back to Lisieux Hall for lunch were we offered with tea/coffee and biscuits to go with our packed-lunches, in the Chapel.

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Some of us rested in the Chapel and others ate their lunches on the grass outside.
Whilst we were enjoying lunch Kathleen explained all the work that is done by the Brothers of Charity and their volunteers, it is very impressive!

Photo 46
Lizzie bidding us farewell as we left the Hall. Kathleen is the third from the left.
After Lunch we walked back to Lower Kem Mill where a few of the walkers elected to walk directly back to the Wigan Lane Car Park along the Cycle Track.
Michael led the majority across the refurbished bridge over the river up into the woods overlooking Lower Kem Mill. We eventually came out on to Back Lane but soon entered the Park again this time coming out on to Sheephill Lane.
Back along the Cycle Track and up into the Pinetum, round the front of Cuerden Hall, down the Cinder Path and over the motorway to Wigan Lane Car Park where the walkers got into their cars and hopefully drove safely home.
Everyone seemed to really enjoy the day, thanks bob and all of you.
Bob - "It was a good way to celebrate the role volunteers in our community. Thank you to Dave and Teresa for supervising the road crossings, to the other Dotcoms who assisted in marshalling, to the health walkers - we enjoyed meeting you, other volunteers for joining us, to Voice for All for the warmth of the welcome at Lisieux Hall and to Michael Swarbrick for leading the walk. Hopefully we'll repeat the event next year."

Today's Walk
If you'd like to make a donation to St. Catherine's Hospice CLICK HERE
or the Park CLICK HERE