Health Walk - Thursday 13th November 2014
Please click on photos to see a larger one
We all thought it would rain but it didn't and it was a nice morning although a bit dull. It was cold in the wind but fortunately the Park is quite sheltered.

Photo 1
David was leading and he took us down through the Pinetum and along the Cycle Track towards the Lake.

Photo 2 Photo 3
Sue and Carmel walked up to the Lake, blue route, and the rest of us walked up the track and round the east side of the Lake and up into the field.

Photo 4 (by Carmel)
Carmel spotted these fungi just as they descend from the Lake
David had decided on a change from our usual routine and was taking us the eastern extremes of the middle section of the Park.

Photo 5 Photo 6
Walking along the field path and up towards the Ponderosa, you can just pick out one of the northern walls. Every time we get to the entrance there have been changes - the row of garages has disappeared. It now looks like there's going to be extensive widening of Cam Lane leading up to the entrance.

Photo 7 Photo 8 Photo 9
Down into Green Wood,
up along the top and down into Green Wood again towards Hawks Clough

Photo 10
to come out on to the field again.

Photo 11
Over the Stone Bridge and up to rest on the Gregsons' Seat. Linda has Alison's dog Freddie, Alison, our Education Officer, was busy with a party of schoolchildren as was one of our usual walkers Elizabeth.

Photo 12
No men working today

Photo 13 Photo 14
We all thoroughly enjoyed the walk even though many of us were exhausted.

Today's walks, Sue and Carmel did the blue route, the rest of us followed the red one.